
Plz help any one who is good at science?

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why dose the release of carbon dioxide into the atmospher produce a promblem foe the environment?

why sulfur dioxide a prombel for the environment?




  1. Carbon dioxide gets into the air from burning things. It acts like a jacket for the planet and helps the heat that arrives from the sun stay in the atmosphere. This warms up the planet.

    Sulphur dioxide in the air can mix with the water in the rain to make sulphuric acid and leads to acid rain.

  2. Carbon dioxide creates like a blanket over the Earth. When the sun shines the heat enters the earth and the earth produces it's own radiation heat. This is ment to leave the Earth but the carbon dixode traps most of it inside, causing the tempurature to rise, which will result in freak storms and melt the poar ice caps which will result in severe flooding. Sulphur causes acid rain which erodes buildings and kills trees.

  3. You will find the answers (for AQA syllabus) here:

    For Edexel syllabus, look here:

    General revision here:

  4. Hmmm. It might be familiar and all but Carbon Dioxide when in excess in the atmosphere produces what is called a greenhouse effect. This effect mainly increases the temperature of the earth as heat coming from the sun is absorbed but is minimally deflected from the earth because of some layer of gases like CO2. Ergo, it causes the more than familiar Global Warming scenario.

    Sulfur dioxide on the other hand is also a real problem since if it mixes with water vapor in the clouds, it could produce Acid rain that is detrimental to the environment.

  5. Neither     The CO2 are recycled by the plants and photosynthesis.

    SO2 is no problem either.I  worked on west Texas at gas plants and they burn H2S which is very deadly. The results of the burning H2S releases a lot of SO2 and it does not impact any of the local plants. This is possible 100 times the SO2 that u find any where else.

  6. Search Yahoo answers for global warming. You will find a ton of answers.

  7. This is what happens when teachers are only allowed to mark the piece of work for the content they have asked for. They're not allowed to correct spelling unless spelling was an aim for that piece of work.

    Result - a whole generation of kids that can't spell!

    As already said, trying Googling for it. Vast quantities of information out there.

  8. Do me a favour...learn to spell , you moron.

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