
Plz help!!!!!!!!!! i dont know wut to do?

by  |  earlier

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my best friends friend has been missing for 3 days now. his mom called my best friend today asking if she had heard from him. my best friend said no (which is true). she asked my friend to call if she heard anything from him. later he txted my friend saying he was ok so my friend called his mom and told him he was ok. the mom told my friend that the police were looking for him. then a little later my friends friend told her where he was. she didnt tell me where he is and she says shes not gonna tell anyone. wut should i do???

PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!




  1. As long as she told the person's mother (which is I how I read this), the mother can handle it from here.  She doesn't need to tell you and may have reasons for not doing so.

    At this point, just be happy that all seems to be ok, as it is.  Eventually you will find out what happened.

  2. If nobody else knows about that little tid-bit of information on his whereabouts I suggest you let somebody know so they won't worry.  He's being very selfish and self-centered if he's hiding out somewhere making his parents worry.

  3. if some one knows the location of a missing person and refused to let the parent's of that missing person know. then they are withholding information of a run away. they will get in trouble for it. If i were you then i would go to the parents of the missing person and if your best friend gets mad at you. tell her that she isn't thinking about her friends safety. the missing person is a run away. and needs to be taken home or placed in a facility where they can't run.

       PARENT"S do care for their children, regardless of what their friends think. if the parent's are looking for this missing person, then clearly they love him, and want' him to come home,

  4. try ur best 2 convince her 2 tell some1.

    tell her if she doesn't tell any1 where he is, something really bad could happen 2 him.

    if she still won't tell, ask her if he's at a safe place like another friends house.

    if he is, tell his mom that he's safe. maybe she'll feel better after that.

  5. leave it to tha cops man

  6. Tell the Cops sounds suspicious cops suck any way but there the only option...good luck

  7. I am confused, are you wanting to turn the guy in or something? If not then why worry about it? The kid probably stole something or beat someone up, maybe even dipped his wick where he shouldnt have.  

  8. I'm curious as to why the cops are looking for him. My first reaction is to tell the cops so they get to him quicker. If they're looking for him and he's hiding, he must've done something pretty bad and needs to own up to what he did.  

  9. ask her why i cant she tell u if she says no its bad or just ask ur friend where he is

    tell me what happens next plz i want to know where is

    don't worry i am not a stalker

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