
Plz help i need advice ?

by  |  earlier

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ok well I'm 16 years old and i have been with this guy for a year now and i cheated on him in the past and he moved away from me and found another girl well we all three got together and it was going well then she cheated on him and it brought back the memory of me cheating on him to him and we started getting in to a big fight about it then we all split well i want to get back together with him but idk if he will take me back. i really love him he really all i think about anymore. idk what to do whether i should leave it alone or try to get him back

please help i need advice




  1. ok.. firs of all pay absolutely no attention to the first peron who asnwered..

    okk well im preety sure ur feeling sorry for what u did and u feel the need to move on from it .. wether its getting back with him and forgetting about it or just not meeting him any more.. u shouldnt try to be with him again if he's still with the other chick.. i think if ur trully serious u should talk to him about this calmly.. if it works out that good if not dont think about it in a bad wayyy in love we should forgive and forget and if he cant he's simpiliyy not worth it.

    good luck..xx

  2. I cheated on the boy I am with now. He finally forgave me, and I will NEVER do it again. It was excruciating to watch him go through his life with those other girls. I was always his friend, and comforted him through out his other relationships, it hurt me so bad, and I was so miserable, but it was worth it to get him back!

  3. you mad your bed now sleep in it, not to be min but you don't no wat Love it's .

  4. just talk to him! and let him know how sorry you are and tell him that u still like him and that u have changed! than its up to him to decide if he wants u. best of luck!!!

  5. I think you should go to him and ask him for your forgiveness. Tell him you are sorry for what you did and you love him. There is no harm in trying..!

    Pls answer mine:

  6. move may encourage him to see what HE has lost. So move on .

  7. all i have to say is you're a messed up ****!

  8. i think u should move on.... if u cheated on him ever.. he isnt the one

  9. leave him alone. NEVER cheat on anyone. its just WRONG. i say he was RIGHT to move away from u! u dont need help. u need h**l. cheating on ANYONE IS JUST WRONG.i dont care if im being mean but u need to hear the truth. CHEATING IS BAD AND HOW DARE U CHEAT ON HIM.

  10. i think you need to listen to your heart.  And you need to tell him what you did then tell him you really love him and you want no one else in your love life except him.  So you should talk to him, let everything out in the opened, and what ever happens, happens for a reason.

  11. leave the guy alone... i think he had enough from all these girls cheating on him. poor guy..One day he will meet the right girl.

  12. jus leave him alone...

  13. well basically it is your fault really.. but things happen the less we expect it. you cud just try to get him back if you really love him. but if he will still refuse to be wit you then let him go. the thing is you tried.

    let him be then.. start a new life and move on.

    and if he will agree to be with you again then  good. now try to do your best to be a good partner. you are still young and you still have long way to go to learn things that you need to learn in life.

    Good luck

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