
Plz help!! i think my dog may have fleas??

by  |  earlier

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well hes been biting near the top of his tail all the time and now he is having hair loss in a little spot above his tail. i bathed him once in flea bath and i think he still has the flea(s) if it is fleas but i dont know??




  1. Yes it does sound like fleas. A flea bath will not have done anything to help.

    You will not be able to get any useful treatment from a pet store. Pet store flea treatments do not work because the stores aren't allowed to sell the appropriate chemicals.

    Get some proper flea treatment from a vets i.e. Frontline, Revolution, Advantage or Advocate. You will need to get a spray for your house too since the majority of the flea population will now be in your house in the form of eggs, larvae and pupae.


  2. check in the fur to see if there are any fleas actully walking around. advantage works great for killing the fleas. but it from the vet.

    hope this helps!

  3. give him a bath using dawn dish soap and then put a flea color on ... he is probably biting because of dry skin or healing scabs from the flea bites

  4. Scratching can be from fleas, but also from allergies.

    Fleas can be hard to see even on a short haired dog, and they are easiest to see when the dog is wet.

    It is possible your dog is allergic to fleas, something in the yard, a pesticide, or even an ingredient in his food.

    Poor quality food leads to poor quality skin and coat, so you may need to switch to a higher quality food.

    You can always bring him to get groomed or just a bath, and ask them to check for fleas. As a groomer, I see many dogs come in with tons of fleas and the owner was oblivious.  

  5. put on some gloves and check his/her fur. they are small but you can still see them. take him/her to the vet to br safe if you are worried : )

  6. bath with dawn dish soap, get flea medicine from vet to put between shoulder blades once a month.

  7. sounds like fleas to me but I would take him to a vet if you can,  just to be safe.   :)

    look through his coat around the place he bites (careful not to hurt him) you should be able to see the fleas if they are there

    good luck

  8. If your dog has fleas, one of the easiest ways to tell is to put the dog in water and look through it's fur. My roommates dog had fleas and I was the one who dealt with the problem. If you find that he does this is what you do. . .

    1. Get a capstar pill from the vet.

    2. Get a thing of frontline from the vet.

    3. Get flea bombs for your home (1 for every 50 sq. ft)

    4. Get carpet and furniture spray (anti-flea).

    Treat your dog first, then get out of the house and set the bombs off (without the dog inside). Treat your carpet and furniture before setting the bombs off.

    For every 1 flea on your dog, there are 100 in your home.  

  9. umm... look all over his fur and try a flea coller

  10. When you look in the fur you will see the fleas jump. Buy some FRontline. IT works the best.  

  11. it pretty much sounds like your dog might have the fleas but i don't think giving him a bath constantly will cure that. the best you can do is take your dog to the vet and they'll give you a specialized shampoo that'll get rid of the fleas. fleas really thrive the humidity so don't try to be outside with your dog too long & make sure you give him flea & tick prevention every month :)

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