
Plz help me.. i switched schools?

by Guest63324  |  earlier

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i switched schools this year and don't have any friends at the new school... I am really shy and don't make friends easily... What can i do to meet new friends..? i don't talk during class which does not help anything. my parents think i have a lot of friends there when i don't.




  1. oh my same here!

    my parents are like you can have a sweet 16 and invite all your friends from school, im like yeeaaa right. lol

    Anyways! im in the same situation as you.

    remeber all it takes is baby steps!

    Tommarow is a new day!

    Start out fresh!

    Wake up early

    Drink some caffeine

    Fix yourself good

    Go to school early

    1st class, compliment people


    say something like im so tierd

    or that was funny

    laugh at a joke

    say its hot outside idk!

    any little talk works  in any class!

    try answeing teachers quesitons too.!

    remember you cant please everyone, but at least you are being yourself! so appericate the new good friends that you will make!

    also talk to anyone, dont judge people on how they dress, they might be good friends

    Take it slowly, you got a lot of time

    Dont rush yourself, because you wont make a difference

    be patient!!!!!

    join some clubs later

    or get involved onto activties ect.

    Its okay, most kids feel like this! its part of being an adolacent, where you feel that you have an auidence in front of you.

    But remember you are human, who cares if you say something silly or wierd, its you right?

    live it up and appericate life as it is =]

    let this year be the year you became outgoing!!

    good luckkkkk ^_^

  2. just talk and talk about things you have in common. example.. sports

  3. when the kids make stupid jokes just laugh along wit them. and try to ask the person u sit next to a few how does things works around here?  just be yourself and don't try to act like ur better than everyone. just be cool relax.

  4. buy some sweets/chocolates and share..

    If you want friends, first you must show yourself friendly..

    Anyway.. Most importantly you go school priority is to study..

    So study well..  

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