
Plz help me id these pills?

by  |  earlier

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my child came home with some pills can anyone tell me what they are

there white round probably the diameter of a *** end it is flat on one side and slightly domed on the other side plus it had a picture of a 6 pointed star like one triangle on top of the other can anyone tell me what these pills are




  1. You could try calling a pharmacy, but as different manufacturers make the same drugs but they all do it in different colours and shapes, it will probably be very  very difficult to identify.

    Also, its highly unlikely a pharmacist wil risk advising you what a medicine is without seeing its packaging, his license could be at risk.

    You should contact your kids school - if drugs of some sort are going round, they really need to know about it.

    It could be some stupid kid has pinched some medication from a parent or grandparent and is selling them or something.

    This is extremely stupid and potentially life-threatening, so the school should be aware.

    Some drugs are highly toxic, and can kill a child easily.

    Contact the school and make them aware.

  2. take them to a chemist. they will id them

  3. vicaden, maybe the shape. but im not sure about pointed star?

  4. call the pharmacist and see if they can identify it by your description or take it in to them.

  5. There are a ton of pill identifier websites online. Google pill identifiers and you will be able to find out. Good Luck!

  6. no, take them to a chemist and ask, or maybe if u had a picture of them people might reconise them?

    try on google search

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