
Plz help me if u have read a book called "the breadwinner" by deborah ellis?

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theres 11 question that i have to do after i read this book and i did 4 already

and school starts really really soon

so im just going to ask for ure help

ill pick questions that im not so sure about

i luved the book but im a person that kinda forgets everything after i finish

u can ask as man or as lil question as u like

maybe not answer fully is fine

i would just like some help

u can say im lazy but aleast i did 4 of them:D....

1.Describe in detail some of the changes that take place in the main chatacter from the start to the finish of this book.

2.Describe one event from early in the book that takes on importance later in the book. How does this earlier event become important?

This is the question i would most want to be answered.!!!!

3. Explain in detail the signidicance of the title of your book. Offer some suggestions on other possible titles.

I have no clue wat breadwinner means.

im thinking simple.

a person that makes good bread

but the book has nothing to do wiht that.

4.Is the book you read believable or unbelievable? Give reasons for your answer.

5.Discuss the ending of the book. Do you tink this is an eddective ending? Why or why not?

6.Choose one main character that influences another character. Describe the influence. Be sure to give the names of the characters and their relationship.

7.Discuss what u consider to be the most unforgettable part of the book. What makes this portion of the book unforgettable?

thanks lots:D




  1. im not going 2 do ur school wrk 4 u. but the breadwinner is the person who brings home the money. the breadwinner in this book is parvana. #7 is a opinion question. but 4 me it was when they went in2 the staduim thinking it was a soccer game.  

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