
Plz help me to know this question! about cervix?

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during s*x does the cervix always keep open or it opens when o****m happens?do the p***s reach the cervix during s*x whn he ve his o****m and do sprem get in through it to uterus.or the girl need her o****m to open her cervix? plz i need an best answer not dum answer.




  1. The sperm are microscopic and the v****a naturally makes a substance during ovulation to help the sperm reach the egg the cervix is only opened microscopically enough to allow the sperm to reach. You do not need to have an o****m for your cervix to open up the only thing o****m will do is cause the uterus to contract and it might help the sperm get there faster. When the man ejaculates it is normally up high right in front of the cervix. Hope this helps

  2. It doesn't open up enough for it to be penetrated, and it's not supposed to!  But, the fluid in the cervix will change to allow the sperm to swim up through it (normally they don't even get past it).  The p***s may or may not always reach the cervix during s*x (depending upon position, his length, your length, etc), but it doesn't have to.  Nature has a lot of tricks up her sleeve to get pregnant, and one of them is how the v****a collapses back together after s*x.  This is like taking a tube of toothpaste and squeezing the middle.  s***n goes both ways, and as long as a little bit makes it up to the cervix, the sperm can start their journey up.  An o****m during his ejaculation, or for up to an hour after, helps this along by making your v****a contract more often and often with stronger squeezes, giving more s***n a chance to be pushed against your cervical opening.  The important thing here, if your trying to conceive, is that you don't want to get these orgasms via more actual s*x, as the p***s will push out most of the s***n quite efficiently.  

    Hope this helps!  

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