
Plz help me to solve my constipation problem?

by Guest34321  |  earlier

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it create a big problem for me,i try all the herbal & costly madecines but they all work nothing,now tell me plz , what to do. HELP ME.........




  1. i'll tell u a sure-shot cure... Spinach juice... it tastes yuck but trust me... half and hour and i had to rush to the loo .... even if it doesnt work for u instantly...regular use will rid u of ur constipation problems... :)

  2. Also, try elimination diets (dairy, gluten, etc.).

  3. Eat salsa

  4. Try these home remedies for constipation:

    Soak raisins in a glass of water overnight. Drink the water in which raisins are soaked along with the soaked raisins early in the morning.  

    Soak six prunes in a glass of water overnight.  Eat three of each in the early morning. Then, in the late afternoon, an hour or two before dinner, eat the remaining prunes.

    Take at least 350 grams of grapes daily

    Eat a medium-sized pear after dinner or with breakfast.

    Drink a glass of hot water with sour lime juice and half a teaspoon of salt.

    For more info, check these sites:

  5. this will work guaranteed.

    It has even caused a 11 year old schedule for a colostomy due to lack of nerves to the bowel to go and models who only had 4 or 5 bowel movements a YEAR.

    Schulze the originator  said wait --this will make your bowels move.  The normal number of times to go is once for each meal. He said he can get anyone to go and he said this formula even cause a bowel removed from a dead person at autopsy to move (have peristaltic action), but it is not harmful but only does good for a person.

    the first formula intestinal cleanse #1 will do this for you

    the second is highly recommended as well and my favorite and the one that heals and gets 3000 drug residue from your body, kills parasites, and removes mucoid plague.

    One man had a 5 foot long mucoid casing removed with this (this is the hardened gunk that builds on the colon walls and prevents nutrients from being absorbed causing ravenous hunger and also poisons the entire body by leeching through cells walls into the blooddstram where it overwhelms the liver and sends dirty blood throughout the body,  many say all diseases start in the colon...this is a great colon cleanse and laxative

    One guy lost 50 weighs on this from the backed up and hardened mucoid plague built up over years,  Another had a 5 foot long casing shaped like the colon walls.  All kinds of yucky parasite have come out of people many who did not even know they had these (about 90% of all Americans have parasites)

    My brother in law recently nearly died from backed up f***s and needed surgery and he takes intestinal one and swears by it..he just told me this last week.  I don't need anything else he said when this works so well.  I mentioned someone else was selling the same formula cheaper and he said "no this works for me..I will not give it up"  He had been through h**l with his problems and had many bad things happen associated with it for several weeks.  This gives him confidence the same thing will not happen to him again.

    go here and click on digestive and eliminative and read all and don't forget to click on bottoms at the top on how it works and why you need it..follow the directions increasing one of the formula one each day until you find the right dose and after a week on the right dose start using the formula two (you do it 5 times a day for a few weeks then redo it once a season.

    he has gotten testimonies on how well this works and the positive effects on people's health

    if you can't afford it I heard someone on curezone sells similar formulas (organic, same formulas, but not as strong as his are so powerful and effective)

  6. probably try some laxatives i guess

    or foods that are high in fiber.

    beans are especially good for this type of problem

  7. Perhaps the reason is not physical.

    Emotional shock or fear can be constipating.

    The Australian Bush Flower Essences handles both of the physical and emotional causes of constipation.  Not drugs but energy medicines.

    Bauhinia, Bluebell, Bottlebrush, Boronia and Flannel Flower would be what I would suggest.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  8. Ensure that you drink loads and loads of fresh filtered water.... at least 2 - 3 litres per day to make sure that you are properly hydrated.

    Diet can both prevent and cure constipation so eat more foods rich in magnesium as magnesium will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and thus aid in digestion..... the more fibre in your diet from fruits, vegies, legumes and whole grains and brown rice the softer and the larger the amount of f***s will be passed.

    Magnesium is needed in the human body for helathy nerves and muscle functioning and for heart health. Magnesium rich foods will aide in eliminating constipation problems for you.

    Eat more foods rich in this wonderfull little mineral ie: leafy and green vegies, organic nuts and seeds, wholegrain breads and cereals and cold water fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting.

    Magnesium is also known as the antistress mineral and will help you deal with stressy situations better.

    Also, eat more foods rich in Vitamin C as vitamin C is a natural laxative ie: oranges, lemons and limes, leafy and green vegies, tomatoes, potatoes and red and green capsicums. Vitamin C rich foods will also bolster your immune system and help in lowering blood pressure.

    Try to cut back on dehydrating drinks such as those containing caffeine ie: soft drinks and sodas, coffee, tea and also alcohol will dehydrate you...........for each can of soda or soft drink that you have your body can excrete up to 12 cups of water !! Caffeine is marginally better ~ for just one cup of coffee you need to replace it with 2 cups of water because the caffeine tricks our brains into thinking that we have ample water supply and encourages the body to urinate much needed fluid from our body!!

    The use of laxatives will only exaspperate your problem and will do a brilliant job of robbing you of your B complex of vitamins (which are essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning) and also your vitamin C supplies. Also take a good quality multi B complex supplement as the B group of vitamins is essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning. As they are a water soluble complex our bodies can neither store or produce them. As such we need to replace them on a daily basis or suffer from the stress related side affect.

    ♥ For a temporary measure only put 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water, stir it up and drink up ......... be prepared to do a loud burp and you'll find that any tummy ache you had will be resolved within 15 minutes and your constipation will itself resolve within a few hours ..The baking soda will realkalise the contents of your tummy and help you move .......... it is only an aid to be used in an emergency though, as along with realkalising the contents of your tummy and giving you relief from the ghastly pain of constipation it will also neutralise your digestive juices (eat more foods rich in magnesium in future to encourage the production of digestive juices ~ i guess that's why my mom always used to tell me to eat my greens!!) ....... soooo, use it to relieve the pain now but in future you need to eat a bit better and drink more water mate

    Caution ~ Do Not use the baking soda remedy if you have high blood pressure as it contains an awful lot of processed salt.

    hope this helps u buddy

    peace 2 u

  9. A big glass of Prune juice..

    or 3 Ducolax pills..

    start eating more fruite and veggies..

  10. Try psyllium husk.

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