
Plz help me understand why my bipolar gf cant spend any time with me or her kids

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ok i dont understand bipolar but i except it but what is really getting to me is my gf can spend time with her friends and not have a prob with it but everyday when i get home she finds somthing she has to do and says it wont take but a few min. but i know that means hours like today she said her anxiety was high and needed to leave for 30 min or so that was at 7:30 it is now 11 it is not fair to the kids or me but my ? is this normal or is there some funny buss. going on




  1. d**n. you need to talk to her. that sounds like she cjeatin on you. but im not sure but if i was you i would be pissed.

  2. Talk to her honestly.  Start by telling her how much you care about her and are worried about her.  This will take down her defenses and make her more open to talking.  Ask if there is something about being home that is hard for her.  Discuss whether she may need to adjust her medication so she is on a more even keel.  

    Kudos to you for accepting that she has a disorder and that is part of who she is.  I want to encourage you to look up more information on bipolar. is a good place to start.  

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