
Plz help or i will break down soon?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know from where to start, I know I m still young and life is still long in front of me, I know i m just a teenager and I should worry about my studies instead on focusing on some bange of boys.

To start, i dated a guy who 2 years older me for one year, I can't deny that i didn't like him,but i think he never liked me seriously, we fought and we arguied because I was skipping a lot of dates with him, I felt insecure & I dated another one in the same time, I think that upset him, & make him make the decision of breaking up with me, but worst, he start sending some of my s**y pics to his friends & he made me look like as if I was a nympho or a s**t looking for s*x, however, I moved on & dated another guy, but after 3 months I dumped him.

The problem that my ex (who sent my S****y pics )hurted me so much, but I succed in getting over him, & now after 3 months, he sends me a note saying i m sorry, & begining me for forgiveness, i forgave him although my heart was seeking for revenge, and then he chated with me and he trying to get me back after everything that he did, after hurting me so much, he s willing to ask me out again.

I m so confused, i can not deny that i still like him, i don t deny that i want him, & a year that we spent together is worth forgiveness, but a voice in my head is whispering, no, don t make the same mistake again.

Should i turn the page and live again the romance, or have i to change the road and build another relation ship???




  1. I know how you feel. My boyfriend has left me countless times and always comes running right back. And maybe it's Just because I forgive easily, but i have always been able to forgive him. Now I'm not saying I forget, because that is a totally different thing, and is wayyyy harder, but if you think there could be something in the future, and you want to try it, then do! You have your whole life to make mistakes, and if he's not right for you, you'll know. But don't let the voices in your head decide everything, because they're not always right. You should listen to your heart over your head. Hope i hepled?

  2. i wouldnt go back... what happens if you guys maybe do break up... what will he do next? and even you conscience is telling you no

  3. You are confusing love and attraction.

    Of course you are still attracted to him despite or maybe even because of the things that have happened.

    However, if you are looking for to build a new relationship you need to take a moment to consider what you really want in a relationship.  what are your true goals?

    Try to find someone who has the same relationship goals as you do.  If you can find someone who has these same goals and also generates a sense of attraction jump on that and see where it goes.


  4. i think u shuld jst 4qt bout him

    hes not worth it

    hes an assholeee

    u deserve muchh better  

  5. ask him why the c**p he did that and then tell him to call you and talk about it and tell him that if your not satisfied you gonna kick his a*s

  6. it might hurt seeing him again. but i think u should give him a another chance. he might have changed for u. good luck!

  7. No.  You shouldn't date him.  Forgiving him for sending those photos is one thing but you shouldn't date a guy like that.  What happens the next time you guys break up??  Forgive him but tell him that you can't date him because of that.

  8. Oh my god. That guy sounds like one h**l of a jackass. Don't give him another chance. Chances are he'll just pull the same stunt again once you guys break up.

    If he's that emotionally unstable then he's capable of pulling all sorts of other c**p to hurt you if he doesn't get everything his way.

  9. u really dont want to get involved with him again all he will do is hurt you. you need to find a good guy that cares about you and would never do that even if U dumped HIM.  i really hope u find him(i hope i find mine lol) but untill then just focus on god and he will lead u to ur true love! good luck. and plz dont do that to urself again even though i dont know u i dont want u to get hurt(im a teenager too lol)

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