
Plz help...what is the best way to do it?

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last week there was that girl who was in the same bus as me..i couldn't stop looking at her!she was really pretty,and since then i keep thinking of her!i always think of her smile..and when i think about just makes me forget about all the bad things that happened to me!

and guess what she is at the same college as me...i wanted to ask her for her phone number!but i'm quite shy...if i happen to see her again how can i ask her without being stupid?

hope to see her again next week...but it would be really difficult as my college is so big!




  1. Ask her if she would like to catch up sometime for coffee.

  2. Hi, I have noticed you around, and I was wondering if you would like to get some coffee some time?

    This is of course after the normal, hi, my name is....

    What are you studying, oh me too, blah blah.

    Find some common ground, or you might not have the opening.

    Good Luck!

  3. Try the bus again who knows she might like you too:D The only way you going to get her number is by seeing her and asking for it or if you know her name and her campus email address email her and ask her to meet sometime for coffee of something and then ask her dont ask her over email thats not the right way to go about it.

  4. sit wid her for a while n then just ask for it n b confident nt shy

  5. Just make friendly conversation, like "hey ur in my college, where are you going?"  and work it from there, like ask her to go and grab a coffee with you or something.

    After once or twice, give her your number, and say if she needs anything, call you. Then, the rest is up to her. :)

  6. make sure she is polite to others and doesn't hold her head up to high and then if that's her personality i highly doubt she would mind if you walked up to her and started talking about a lecture you both went to casually or something but i wouldn't ask for a number until the third time you had a short casual conversation with her- then i highly doubt she would mind giving it to you if she knows you are nice and you both have a mutual agreement that you get along a bit!

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