
Plz help!two little baby rabbits might die!PLZ ANSWER!!!!!?

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we just found two WILD BABY RABBITS!my dog,(it is half hunting dog)found little rabbits, my dog sniffened one out but it was so scared it froze, so i saved it and put it in a cage, then i saw my dog bak down in the same spot, so i ran down there, half way down i herd a squel and ran as fast as i could, she was hold it in her mouth,like a puppy, i smacked her on the butt yellin LET THAT POOR RABBIT DOWN!CHAMP!STOP!!!!!!and kept screaming and smacking her in the butt,still, she finally put it down i felt it's body, it was alright, but in the cage it was freaking out so bad it kept running into the wall and its nose started bleeding, they are both girls, and they wont eat or drink (i picked lettuce out of my garden and got a water bowl) im scared they wont live, is there anything i can do to help!or even any tips to make them eat or drink?

P.S. i've never had a rabbit in my life, let alone two wild babies!plz plz help!any info will benifit them, plz help, for them.i got them just today by the way.




  1. I know you don't want to hear this, but you should just let them go.  Wild rabbits have more crazy diseases than most other wild animals.  I'd hate to see you get sick from them.

  2. It's best to put them back where you found them so that their natural mother can find them, but tie up your dog so she won't get to them. Even if the babies have your scent on them, the mom will still take care of them. Maybe put them in a box deep enough for their mom to get into, but not deep enough for them to run. Wait a few hours, and if their mom hasn't come back for them, call a vet or wildlife reserve.


  3. how small are they?

    they might be to small to eat and drink like big things, try a eye dropper with goat milk in it.

  4. u may want to let them go, but make sure they arent bleeding anymore, if u want 2 keep them, take them 2 a vet, they will get them domesticated 4 u.

  5. I had the same dilemma but my cat brought two wild bunnies to my back porch.They injured themselves when I caged them.I do raise rabbits for a living but the best thing you can do is to seek help immediately.I would not put them back cause the chances of the mother rabbit accepting her kits back is slim.What I did is take them to a nature preserve that was near by.You might check with a vet and see if they know of a place to take them.I hope the bunnies are ok.

  6. put them back where you found them. chances are the little baby was having a shock attack,

    feeding them lettuce is bad, its all in fairytales that they eat it but it causes long term kidney problems and will lead to death. if youve only given them a little bit then things should be ok  


    You should put them back where you found them, quick! The mom may come back for them. Good luck and keep us posted.

  8. I have had the same problem! Feed them stuff from you garden, and make sure they have water. Water is the most important thing. If you can, you should get hay. They should eat that. DO not get rabbit pellets! They can not digest them. I would let them go free in an area away from you house. Its actually illigal to have wild rabbits as pets.  if you are nusing them back to health, thats fine. But as a pet, its illigal. I really hope the babbies live!

    And they too young to be away from the mom?

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