last night i had a dream that my whole family was climbing this mountain. About half way up, i realized that my shoes were at the bottom and i had to go all the way back down and get them. i got so frustrated and i was running back up the mountain path to find the rest of my family and i couldnt find them. i started panicking and then i found my uncle and a few of his buddies on the side of this giant cliff. i went over and was crying like crazy... i could see that there was a tiny little board-like thing sticking out over the edge of the giant drop off. My uncle told me he was gonna walk out on the board and look over the edge. After he did, he was trying to force me to go on it and i was scared to death and i ran the other way back down the mountain. On the way down, the guy i like (from school) was there and he showed me this peaceful picture..i suddenly calmed down completely and i was really happy to be with him. (theres more 1 sec)