
Plz is dis normal??????

by  |  earlier

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Plz help i hav had crampin 4 da past week or more but no period! i dont no if ive missed ma period though. but i haven`t thrown up. but there have been dramatic changes with my stomach. butthe farther in question pulled out but put it back after. are theese signs im pregenant im realil scared HELP.




  1. All you can do is test and find out

  2. That's how I got my first, she is almost 9

    Sorry if that wasn't funny.

    But I recommend you take a home test.

    There are $1 ones at "Dollar General", if you have one near you.

    The test at 5 hCG. anything above five is + from the Dr. standpoint.

    You also could have a cyst or something else that is going on.

    I would say take the test. Whatever the results go to the Dr.

    If you are then you need to go anyways. And if you are not then you need to go to find out why you are cramping and why you missed.

    Good Luck,


  3. You sound very young. I hope that you are not as young as you sound. Proper english would help you out greatly. Sounds like you could be pregnant. Anytime you have any kind of s*x without protection(even pulling out!!) You can get pregnant. Good luck.......

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