
Plz plz help i am losing it.?

by  |  earlier

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i was just to the dr cause my pcos has been causing me really bad pain well she gave me 2 "samples" of the nuvaring but my depression part of my brain is telling me now that i am on nuvaring ill never get preggo. (i know i will some day but its my brain)

then i am worried about being prego right now cause of the rape the other day he didnt us a condom. i put it (the ring) in so if i am prego i will m/c i suppose but i dont know what to do. it has been like 2days of having the ring in and about 5dayz since the u/p s*x

the day i was at the dr (3days after s*x) and i had internal ultrasound done she said that is didnt show signs i was prego but would it really show up even on a u/s that early

sorry so long i need help




  1. There is a possibility you could be pregnant since you started the ring afterwards.

    But the best thing to do is wait and see if your period comes on.

    Or take a pregnancy test in a couple of days.

    Sorry about the rape.

    Hope they throw him in jail.

  2. calm down

    if you will want to get pregnant you can always get off the nuvaring

    and im sure if your doctor said your not pregnant now then your most likely not

    everything will be ok

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