
Plz plz plz help best answer gets 10 points!?!?

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i am 13 and i have a really sore throat, i am congested and at night i cant sleep cos when i lie down its hard to breath, and when i get to sleep i dont get much sleep, cos i wake up cos i cant breath well. Ive been like this for 2 days. I get tonsilitis all the time and it wont stop coming, i get it every 1 month AT LEAST! we went to te docter and he sed i cant have my tonsils removed, cos i dont get it often enough!!!!

any remedies would be awsome and if u have a cure for me getting sick all the time that would be great too!!! thanks




  1. Get a new doctor!!

  2. Well, I suggest seeing a different doctor, maybe. It kind of sounds like strep throat, but if you do have tonsillitis then you need to get them removed.

  3. nup got nothing

  4. maby u have to have ur  tonsils out

  5. Here are some natural ideas:

    Try Olbas Pastilles cough drops to numb the pain-they are completely natural- no chemicals and they work miracles.

    Eucalyptus Essential Oil: DON'T take it internally, just put a few drops in some very hot water in a bowl, then drape a towel over your head and the bowl to breathe in for a minute or two. This helps clear sinuses.

    Try some natural or organic Apple Cider Vinegar ( not the regular kind) mixed with hot water and drape the towel. This will help open sinuses, clear throat and lungs, and leave your skin feeling soft too!  

  6. use best defense from Herbalife. it works like magic. the mint flavor one tastes good .. specially hot. plus it also works better when hot.

  7. Take 1000 mg of time release vitamin C daily.  You could have some allergies that are congesting you to cause an infection from improper drainage.  You can go get tested for allergies at an allergist- its a prick test- like 90 pricks, but its not too bad- I managed through it and found out I had sooo many allergies.  You can also try some holistics to decongest yourself.  Lay on your back, put your right hand under the small of your back palm up touching your back.  Completely relax yourself and drape your left hand over your face primarily over your eyes.  I did this once after a drunk girl at a party who worked for a holistic Doctor told me about it.  My ears and sinus popped as soon as I drapped my hand over my eyes.  I could not believe it! I was in shock that it worked.  

  8. I had the same thing twice, but I went to the Doctor and he prescribed me Antibitiocs. And before I went to the doctor my dad bought me Advil to help relieve the pain, and my mom made me tea and she also made me a little drink, she squeeze a whole lemon, added a little bit of sugar and honey in it and mixed it together, there should only be a little amount in there, and it made me feel better after a few days. And you should also gargle Salt and Warm Water, it'll help all the bacteria back in your throat. Do it at least a few times ago and after you brush your teeth at night.

  9. Sounds like you could have a throat infection, take a full course of antibiotics to clear everything up then when you feel a sore throat coming on gargle Diflam (a medicated throat gargle) available from most pharmacies, also comes in a spray form. It is a fantastic product that will relieve sore throats quickly.

    A good multivitamin taken daily or immune defence capsule and plenty of rest should stop you from getting sick regularly. Eating plenty of fruit & veg helps too.

  10. smoke pot or drop acid.  

  11. if you get tonsillitis as often as once every month, that is the foremost indication for having them removed. ideally, tonsillectomy is indicated if you have 3-4 tonsillitis a year. it's better that way than if you would want to continue to suffer the congestion, the waking up at nights, the difficulty of breathing. it is really not very healthy. aside from that, you are exposing yourself with repetitive risk of having rheumatic heart disease. this will be greater problem for you because your heart will be affected. indeed, the most common cause of tonsillitis is a streptococcal bacteria which in turn is the number one cause of rheumatic heart disease. once you get your tonsils out, then you are free from whatever is ailing you. for now, it's better to stick to the antibiotics prescribed to you because it kills the bacteria and, in turn, relieves the inflammation (as manifested by the swelling, the pain, etc).

    it is also good to use medicated lozenges (those with lidocaine or benzydamine [difflam]). saline gargle (lukewarm water with salt) will also help. pain relievers like Paracetamol/Ibuprofen/Mefenamic Acid can also help.

  12. I think you should get your tonsils out

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