
Plz plz plz help im sooo scared!?

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k so heres the thing ... ive been going to a Christian school my whole life and used the abeka cirriculum.... im in eighth grade now and this is my last year at the school cuz they dont offer high school... thats where my problem comes in.i have to go to another place next year but i dont know where i was thinkin another private school or home school... public is my last the kind of person who has to be the best ... last year my average of all my grades was a 99.6 ( can wome one tell me what that would be on the 4.0 scale? any ways i have to get into a university or the ivy league or something big like that... im worried bout doin good in public school if i have to go there cuz im used to being told exactly what to study... we get study sheets for like everything so can some one tell me how that is in public high school?and what bout ap and honors classes? which one looks better and is easier? what should i do .. im soo scared i feel like crying alll the time... and i no im too young to ne worried and its like a year away but can some one plz help?i actually tried public school the first two days of 8th grade and i missed my old school soo much i cried over it and went back! and i cried because the teachers were so mean...they wouldnt even let me touch there desk! lunch time they had a police officer there and they wouldnt even let us sit with people we wanted too... we just had to go where they told us too!... and for the record im not a snooty rich girll im just a sensitive girl who needs kindness... and i no how to spell im just in a hurry could some one aso plz make suggestions on what i should do ...plz im so worried i can barely eat!




  1. Why are public schools your LAST resort?

    You have a very good average. middle school scores are not that important to colleges

    you HAVE to get into an IVY? Why??


    You need to get a hold of yourself and go talk to a counselor, hun. You are giving yourself stress over what in your later life will seem like nothing.... I KNOW it seems like the world is about to end, but trust me, it will not.

    As for public high schools.... ok, so there was a cop who told you where to sit. in catholic high schools they used to beat us with a stick and tell us to "love thy neighbor...OR ELSE!"

    Public schools may nave a different feel, but I suspect that you will end up with the same anxiety when it is time to go off to a colege, where they toss a syallbus at you, tell you to go buy a book, then read it for the next test, and give you nothing more.

    I went to a public high school (after I took the stick outa the nun's hand and whacked her right back) and did just fine.

    Life is full of adjustments... what do your parents think?

    Go find a counselor to talk to...... you will benefit because you will learn how to deal with change

  2. Well I never went to any private schools and I was never home schooled either. I attend a public HIgh school right now and honestly I don't understand the difference other than the religion part of some private schools. The teachers at my high school are very nice and most of the kids are relatively normal. But I also live in a very good area so public schools arn't really an issue, unless I lived in the downtown part of my town. So I'm not really sure how your public schools are but if you live in a pretty good part of town, I don't think you're going to have a problem. Teachers are always there to help and you can just simply ask questions and stay after school to understand everything that you need to.

  3. a 99.6 is probably a 3.9. I'm not really sure. If you're a hard worker and intelligent then you should be able to excel in any school setting. in public high school you are also told what is expected of you, only you're not always given study sheets, so you have to take good notes if they are not provided. honors classes are offered at the beginning of 9th grade and throughout high school. AP classes are offered beginning in 10th grade with AP World History. Depending on where you go to school this might change from AP to IB. AP classes are harder than honors classes and honors are harder than regular classes. consequently taking AP classes looks excellent in your university application and it adds .5 plus whatever grade you got in that class GPA. (for example, if you take AP world and you get an A, that would count as a 4.5 since its an AP course). Public school isn't that bad. You have to have confidence in yourself and trust in what you know and can accomplish. Good Luck!

  4. wow.

    Umm, if you mean 99.6% average for your classes that is a 4.0. That's really good. There were like 10 out of three hundred something students in my class who had a 4.0, and that was a weighted GPA.

    Public school is a lot different. Most teachers don't give you study sheets, they just tell you what kind of stuff will be on a test and you have to use notes, textbooks, handouts, etc. to try to learn (or memorize) as much as possible before the test. Honors classes are good, but AP classes are better; you take a test at the end of the year and your results determine if you can get college credit for the course (5 point scale: 3 is passing and gets you credit at some colleges, 4 & 5 are better).

    I'm sorry your local public school sucks so much. Mine wasn't so bad, though we did have a police officer there all the time and he did have to make a few arrests over my 3 years there.

    I think private schools look better to colleges. Not sure about that, though. Make sure if you go to a public school that they have unweighted GPA there.

    SAT or ACT scores will help you a lot. ACT will probably be preferred by Ivy League. But I would recommend taking both.

    Don't worry. Things'll work out OK in the end. Look up Romans 8:28 if you want affirmation of that.

    God bless! I'll be praying for you.

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