
Plz provide me complete code that where:?

by  |  earlier

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1)Users fill a form(text boxes, checkboxes, text area etc) and type their name and mail id and submit.

2)User details and the whatever form details filled by him(including what checkbox he checked) must store in a database

3)I must be able to track their details anytime in the back end through SQL commands.

Plz help me to get this code.




  1. Get this book:

    Also, why do you say "Plz" ? Most people (myself, and those I admire and respect) automatically label people who say "plz" as iminent CS major dropouts; Forced to spend fruitless but happy years persuing liberal arts degrees.  

  2. You're talking a fairly significant amount of work here. Also, HTML alone won't even start to do'll need a database engine and some sort of scripting, most likely PHP + MySQL. I suggest you pull out some reference books and start working. If you get stuck, post some specific questions and we'll lend a hand, but don't expect anyone to do it all for you - at least not for free...

  3. Best place to learn about this is at W3 Schools:

    Follow the link (left column) to HTML and then Forms.

    Also, SQL:

  4. I understand your homework , but no one will do your homework for free.

  5. You can't be serious. This is a huge amount of work. It can't just be done in html, there will have to be at least a php page for each of your projects, and a database.  


  7. Are you looking to pay for this code. If so you can post a project on and programmers will bid for your project. If you are looking for open source code then just google around, or try

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