
Plz rate my lightsworn deck???

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2x Judgment Dragon

1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

3x Honest

3x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

3x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3x Necro Gardna

2x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

1x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

2x Charge of the liight Brigade

3x Solar Recharge

2x Monster Reincarnation

2x Foolish Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

2x My Body as a Shield

1x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Crush Card

3x Solemn Judgement




  1. -1 Honest

    -2 Lyla (she's WAY overestimated - trust me)

    -3 Necro Gardna

    -1 Wulf

    -2 Monster Reincarnation

    -2 My Body as a Shield

    -1 Gold Sarcophagus (but congrats on getting it)

    -1 CCV

    +1 JD

    +1 Garoth

    +2 Jain

    +1 Ryko

    +2 Gragonith

    +1 MST

    +3 Beckoning Light

    +2 Destruction Jammer

  2. hey your deck i give a 7 out of 10

    well mainy because i run a lightsworn deck too!

    and its somwhat similar!

    expect for the crush card, you dont need that! mainly becaause you only have 3 dark monsters in your deck and the chances of you getting them to the field while milling isnt very high!

    you dont need the sarcophagus, or my body as a shield, or foolish burial.

    you need another judgment! no need for 3 celestia 2 will do good.

    instead of monster reincarnation, you can have 3 beckoning light!

    and put in a premature burial!

    and maybe a mirror force

    yeah and also if your not going to run many trap cards.

    put in a royal decree to keep your opponent away!

    thats pretty much it!

    maybe put in a glorious illusion if you can that can be help ful.

    try it out these will make your deck faster!

    and thats what you want with lightsworns a relaly fast deck!

    a slow lightsworn deck will die out!

    hope this helps!

    good luck!

  3. i like cause most of thecards i don't got and never seen or heard of so probably 9/10 rating

  4. It's fantastic. 9.5/10.

  5. nice deck u have crush card cool and if u like make a side deck

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