
Plz rate or fix my dragon deck?

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2x armed dragon lv 7

3x armed dragon lv 5

3x armed dragon lv 3

2x cyber dragon

2x mirage dragon

2x lord of d

2x exploder dragon

1x spirit reaper

3x obsidan dragon

2x divine dragon ragnarok

2x dragons mirror

1x swords of revealing light

1x future fusion

1x monster reborn

1x pot of avarice

1x heavy storm

2x lightning vortex

1x mystical space typhoon

1x smashing ground

1 fissure

1x premature burial

1x bottomless trap hole

1x crush card virus

1x mirror force

1x magic cylinder

1x torrential tribute

3x dimension wall




  1. First where's your fusions?!?!?!?

    Second you need an Armed Dragon LV10

    Third way too many traps try:

    1x Bottomless Traphole

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Torrential Tribute

    3x Solemn Judgment

    Monster's are good though, 9.5/10 for them.

    Take out 1x Lightning Vortex and add 1x Flute of the Summoning Dragon.

    Otherwise this deck is really good. Before changes 8/10 after changes 9.5/10

  2. hmm, nice Dragon deck, all though there is abit of a flaw... Armed Dragon Lvl 7, he is one kool monster... only thing tho is he is better at level 10

    also, the best way to get to level 5 is to have a few Masked Dragons, cuz after ur opponent attacks Masked Dragon, u can summon out Lvl 3 Armed Dragon, then boom, he gets an automatic upgrade, oh also, a very important monster

    Mirage Dragon, he is one ugly lookin dragon... but no Dragon deck should be without it... it helps out... big time, everyone is about traps these days, u should try protect him with all ur support cards, cuz everyone is gonna target that poor lil guy, so its best to add in 3, cuz once u get it out, its easy picking at ur opponents weak monsters and there life points

    and if my eyes correct me... i see 2 Lord of D's and 2 Ragnaroks, with a couple of Dragons Mirror and Future Fusion, is there a possiblity of King Dragun and Five Headed Dragon in here?

    would be great if u do have those 2, then u'll have a great deck

    anyways, replace Fissure and Smashing Ground with 2 Flutes of Summoning Dragons, its best to flood the field with Dragons rather then wiping out one monster with one card... u know?

    Crush Card Virus, Mirror Force, Magic Cylinder, Torriential, and the Dimension Walls are all u need, Bottomless Trap Hole is just a waste of space...

    actually just take out one of ur Walls an Bottomless and add in maybe another Lord of D along with someone else who can support ur Dragons

    Lord of D and Mirage Dragon are the only cards that are major threats to ur opponent, so it will be a good idea to flood the field with Dragons with Lord of D's Flutes of Summoning Dragon, its better to flood the field rather then hide behind one monster per turn u know?

    for Armed Dragon Lvl 7, its good to add in a monster with high attack, i usually toss Blue Eyes in the Grave after i activate Swords of Revealing Light to destroy all my opponents monsters, then just Heavy Storm and Reborn my Blue Eyes for an Easy 5800 lifepoint damage

    if u manage to get ur hands on a Level 10, then ur deck will get a major boost, i wouldnt really bother with Dark Armed Dragon, it sounds kool, but it isnt that impressive... its only 2800 attack... Level 10 is still the top dog of Armed Dragons

    anyways the best monsters for a Dragon deck are of course the Armed Dragon series, but i think the Dark Horus series is better, cuz once Level 8 Horus hits the field, ur opponent is pretty much screwed, spells dont affect Horus, an no spells can be activated, so combo him with Jinzo or Level 7 an u got urself a easy picking win

    anyways great deck, another great card for this deck would be Red Eyes Darkness Dragon, if u have him out with King Dragun u'll be nearly unstoppable, nearly, didnt say u would be... but Red Eyes is alot easier to summon out rather then the Shining Blue Eyes

    just make a few adjustments

    The Flutes of Summoning Dragon may see pointless to u... but once u flood the field with Dragons u'll be mighty proud u have them out, can easily summon out Level 5, Mirage and hmm thats the thing, not alot of fire power...

    anyways it will be easier if u triple the Mirage and Lord of D, then u'll have an easy picking life minimizing team of dragons against ur opponent

    good luck with ur deck

    dont need alot of changes

    just the Fissure, Smashing Ground, Bottomless, possibly the spare Lightning, an that lil sore thumb in ur deck, Spirit Reaper... i know he cant be destroyed by battle... but wat happens wen ur opponent can inflict piercing damage? i mean Reaper is wide open... just add in Masked Dragons for the Armed Dragons

    and another Mirage, Lord of D and the Flutes, then u'll have a great and one powerful deck

    later bud

    Blue Eyes Brody

  3. -3 obsidan dragon

    -1 Armed Dragon lvl 5

    -1 pot of avarice

    -1 fissure

    -1 smashing ground

    - 3 dimminsion wall


    x3 masked dragon

    x1 sangan

    one of each cyber dark

    x1 Twin headed behemoth

    x2 hand destruction

    And the cyber dark dragon fusion monster.

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