
Plz tell--im wondering when you lost your verginaty? plz tell?

by  |  earlier

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i want to find out the average age is and when i should, can you tell me if it was worth it or if you wish you didn't do it.





  1. I was 19 or 20. It really is best to wait.

    I'm glad I didn't bother with even getting a boyfriend before I was out of high school. It seems to be such a waste of time and energy.

  2. If you are looking for real statistics - there have been numerous studies done, try googling for it.  "Virginity"  is the correct spelling.

    No one can tell you when you "should" nor should you be having s*x just because some people do at that age (I really don't understand the pre-teen obsession with averages, doesn't anyone want to be an individual anymore???)

    If you're just looking for an informal poll...well, I'll leave that for other's to answer.  

  3. i was 12.

    nd i reqret it soo much

    it was the biqqest mistake of my life.

    buhh now im 13 about to be 14 nd i have s*x with my boyfriend all the time.

    jusz be smart about it.

    do it with someone yu love nd care about nd trust.

    nd make sure they use a condom

    p.s - its qOnna hurt =[

    messaqe meh at

    for n e other questions or advice

  4. verginaty?  Does this have something to do with vegetables?  I haven't lost mine.  They are in the freezer.

  5. i think its best just to make sure you are loose it to someone you really love and that they feel the same way. If you do this i don't think it could end badly. Just trust your gut on what 2 do.  

  6. 15, kicking and screaming. Regret not being strong enough to get away.  

  7. Do you have a partner??

    I lost my virginity when i was 16 with some one i didn't really know. To this day i regret it. Make sure its with some one you feel comfortable with and also that you are physically able enough for s*x. Good Luck x

  8. 18 and i wish i would of waited longer

  9. It was on my wedding night. We were both virgins. We were both 21, and this October we will our 5th wedding anniversary. And yes we are very glad we waited!

  10. I was 16 and thought I was in love with the guy... Wrong! It so was not worth it and I regret it to this day.  

  11. 17 and yes worth it

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