
Plz tell me, i am weak in english, but i want to speak fluently,tell me the process to speak fluently.?

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i am able to speak english but i am not able to speak fluently,and i want to go to abroad for do M.B.A, for go abroad i have to give ielts exam, so i am in a fix, what to do , what not to do,because i have decided to go to abroad,but english is my problem, i want to speak fluently, i am hard worker, and i have also seen the ielts previous exam paper,so this time i do not what should i do,plz tell me how can i improve my english




  1. try & use the words 'did','didn't','do','does','don't' or 'doesn't' in the sentences u speak.

    u will start speaking fluently as these words don't require "changing of TENSE".

    Eg:instead of saying "i came yesterday" say "i did come yesterday"

    watch t.v & try to grasp the U.S. english pronounciation & accent.plz do speak in english at home.try to avoid ur hesitation.goodluck!

  2. I guess that the best way to improve your spoken language is to practise it. You would ask me how to practise English. I would say try to speak English as much as possible.

    Try to find and make friends who speak English. For example, you may find a friend of yours who is interested in English. Do not miss such a chance and never hesitate to ask him or her to speak in English whenever you are together. Besides, Nowadays one of speaking tips you can do that ( making friends) easily by using some Internet programs such as,

    Using such programs will allow you to meet a lot of English speakers who will undoubtedly help you improve your spoken English. Just be prepared with a microphone and headphone.

    Many English as a Second Language (ESL) clients tell us they can get up to level 5 in ESL classes but then what?

    While there are some conversational English classes available to assist you in developing a comfort level with your speaaking style there are also some things you can do to help you feel more comfortable speaking with anyone.

    The Tips

    Don't Be Shy

    Get out and meet people. Speak in English to

    everyone you meet. Ontario is a huge multicultural province and a large number of residents were at one time Newcomers to Canada. Chances are they will be used to speaking to someone who is learning English and they might be patient with you because they have once experienced being misunderstood.

    Find a Conversation Group

    Featured Link

    Idioms and Slang: Find the meanings to over 130 common English expressions.

    Some local groups have informal conversation classes where new immigrants come together to practise their English. These groups might come together at a local community centre, school, English as a Second Language class or at an immigrant service agency. For example, in Toronto, CultureLink has an English Conversation Circle. English Conversation Circles are weekly discussion group held to help newcomers improve their English skills in a social environment providing newcomers and Canadian volunteers with opportunities to make new friends from all over the world.

    If you can't find one but know other newcomers who are interested, start one yourself at a local community centre or with a local immigrant service agency!

    Some organizations with English Conversation Circles or One-on-One ESL tutoring volunteers:

    Public Libary

    YMCA Host Program

    District School Boards and School Authorities

    ESL Programs Offered by Post-Secondary Institutions - this list of links to ESL programs in universities and colleges is compiled and maintained by the Council of Second Language Programs in Canada.

    CBC ESL Archive - Using CBC archives, this website is designed to help newcomers learn to speak and read English. Watch and listen to interesting stories from the archives of CBC Television and CBC Radio.

    ESL Connections - a Web site that provides links to online ESL materials for teachers and students. Prepared by Prentice Hall Allyn & Bacon Canada.

    ESL Magazine - an online edition of the bi-monthly print magazine serving English-language educators. Regular features include the editor's note, letters to the editor, news briefs, conference calendar, technology product reviews,

    Linguistic Laughs, classified ads and the Catalog Showcase.

    Steps to Employment for Newcomers - workshop manuals offering newcomers an orientation to 18 different occupations in Ontario - computer, construction and home health care. The workshops target newcomers with basic proficiency in English, integrate orientation and sector-specific language training, and are compatible with topic and level outcomes in the LINC Curriculum Guidelines.

    Watch Television

    Watching television shows is useful for you to learn common language phrases and slang. One good idea is to watch children's shows. Sesame Street is probably the best. You will learn the basics of the English language and maybe a little bit of French also! This is a great chance to spend some quality time with your children and learn something valuable at the same time.

    Read Aloud

    Take the newspaper every day and read it aloud. It will give you a chance to feel comfortable speaking and get caught up on the news.


    There are a lot of Canadian born students learning other languages. Contact some of the colleges, universities or specialized language schools who may have students who want to practice. They speak your language and you speak English! Not a bad trade!

    Everyday, even though you may not notice it, you are getting better and better. Before you know it - you will be writing and speaking with an ease that you never thought possible.

  3. you could just bascially speak it more often and talk to someone and practice what youre going to say with someone who speaks it fluently. simple.

  4. listen to english songs, some with real words that have real meaning. surround yourself with english speakers and try to think in english, even if you are not speaking in english. that is how i pretty much became fluent. good luck.

    ps. get in the habit of spell checking, writing is equally important.

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