
Plzzzzzz help betta question

by  |  earlier

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well have a few pics i like you to see this is what my 2 bettas look like they are a pair this was the female and this is the male thats them and they are in a 2.5 gal tank so they can breed i have 12 bettas 6 pair and have breed guppies and molies and sword tail and zebra and 4 different tetras and angel fish two so have exsperencebut that not them just what they look like male has wight spots




  1. Please re-phrase your question so that we can help you out.

  2. That's not a question.

  3. oh sorry i didn't know that that was a question. i don't really get it sorry

  4. Take them out. You obviously don't know how to breed them yet. To breed bettas you need a 10 gallon tank, then a bigger growout tank. Bettas can have 100+ babies, so you'll need to find homes first, or get tanks for all those bettas... also, betta breeding is pretty complicated. Here is the best site on betta breeding, please read carefully and get all the info before breeding :

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