
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV). If my son has had this vaccine does it mean that he is immune to.?

by Guest56050  |  earlier

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it, or that he is at lower risk of getting it, thanks!! He is fourteen months old




  1. 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria  

  2. Vaccine - pneumovax; Immunization - pneumovax

    Definition    Return to top

    The pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine helps protect against severe infections due to the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae. This bacteria frequently causes meningitis and pneumonia in older adults and those with chronic illnesses. The vaccine has not been shown to prevent uncomplicated pneumonia.

    Information    Return to top


    Pneumococcal is an inactivated-bacteria vaccine, which means it uses inactive bacteria to teach the immune system to recognize and fight active bacteria, if it is ever detected.

    This vaccine effectively prevents illnesses caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in children over age 2 and adults at risk.


    The vaccine is recommended for:

    High-risk people age 2 or older

    Includes persons with heart disease, lung disease (excluding asthma), kidney disease, alcoholism, diabetes, cirrhosis, and leaks of cerebrospinal fluid

    Everyone age 65 years or older

    Those with sickle cell disease

    Those who have had their spleen removed

    Persons who live in nursing homes (extended-care facilities)

    Persons who live in any institution where there are people with chronic health problems

    Persons with conditions that weaken the immune system, such as cancer, HIV, or organ transplantation

    Persons who receive chronic (long-term) immunosuppressive medications, including steroids

    Alaskan natives and certain Native American populations

    One single dose of the vaccine is given by injection. One dose works for most people. However, re-vaccination is recommended for people over age 65 who received their first dose before age 65 and more than 5 years ago. Other high-risk people, including those with weakened immune systems and spleen problems, may also need a second dose. You should speak with your doctor about specific reasons for vaccination and revaccination.

    The pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine does not protect against pneumococcal diseases in children under age 2. There is a different vaccine, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, which is routinely given to younger children to protect against disease due to Streptococcus pneumoniae.


    Most people have no or only minor side effects from the pneumococcal vaccine. Pain and redness at the injection site can occur. As is the case with any drug or vaccine, there is a small chance of allergic reactions, more serious reactions, or even death after receiving the pneumococcal vaccine.

    Watch for and be familiar with how to treat minor side effects, such as low-grade fever or tenderness, at the injection site.

    Call your health care provider if moderate or serious side effects appear after the pneumococcal injection has been given, or if there are any questions or concerns related to the pneumococcal immunization.


    Talk to your doctor before receiving the pneumococcal vaccine if you have a fever or an illness that is more serious than a cold or if there is a chance you might be pregnant. The vaccine may be withheld or delayed.

    Call your health care provider if you not sure if the pneumococcal vaccine should be delayed, withheld, or only given to a specific person.

    Update Date: 10/30/2006  

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