
Pocket Bikes!!!! If you know anything about them please look!?

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I am wanting to buy a pocket bike that my older and younger brothers and sisters can ride.

What are some good websites to look at about caring and buying a pocket bike and if you know any tips please answer!!!




  1. Here's some free advice.

    If it's made in China, don't buy it.

    You'll find out why after you try to get parts for it, or try to find someone that will work on them.

  2. dont get one from online, you're better off looking for a dealer that has a store front. i bought two from ebay and 1 from a website and 2 never started and 1 only started twice before dieing on me. so yeh id reconsider!

  3. Pocket bikes are junk on wheels mine broke in 6 months..

  4. don't listen to them! get a new one still in the box from e-bay (Chinese are fine) and all the bits are on there too at very cheap prices eg a new engine for £30! Mines Chinese and is going strong after 2 years hammer!

  5. this is a good website i got my bike here and it still runs like new

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