
Pocket PC beginners Japanese

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The thought dawned on me today. I carry around a small computer on my hip 24/7. Perhaps someone has a recommendation as to a piece of software that I could purchase or get that would teach me Japanese.

Links preferred.




  1. There are many different languagee material you can purchase to go along with your pc and all you would need to do is load it into your pocket pc.

    Like Media. I have with books that I needed to listen to. and you can use blue tooth. or head phones.

    If you work in a job that is mundane and you could do that it is a great way to make use of your time instead on just listening to music.

    Good Luck. Also the Library as many things on CD now so you may want to try out your local site there first.. Just to get an idea before you spend alot of money on anything.


    I just typed in Learning a different language in google and there are a ton.

    Great idea. I looked it up locally for myself a found CD's at my local library so I can just download and listen all day ! What a great idea. Thanks ! And my cost 0... But there are great interactive programs. I heard Onlingo is good

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