
Pocket bike really want one dont know enough info :(

by  |  earlier

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i am 14 and i am ready to buy a pocket bike. i have a friend who used to have one his was electric and went maybe 20-30 mph. we never got in trouble by the police before and one lives on my street. i was just wondering if it would be possible for me too ride just up and down my street without getting in any trouble?




  1. your best bet is to find a large parking lot after hours to ride on. you can draw a track outline with sidewalk chalk and go as fast as you want. be sure to wear a helmet and boots. no tee shirts and sandals.  

  2. you wont if  its electric

    i used to have a gas one that went about 60 mph

    and the cops always came

    they told me i have to have a license to drive it on the street..

    so the electric one will be fine

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