
Podcasts in iTunes?

by  |  earlier

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i downloaded a podcast from the internet and i wanted to put it in the podcasts menu in iTunes. I moved the file into a folder i created in iTunes>iTunes Music>Podcasts and tried to Add Folder to Library, that didn't work; that left it in the Music menu. I tried to Add File to Library but the same thing happened. What can i do so that the podcast i downloaded from the internet ends up in the podcast menu in iTunes?. I want it to be in the Podcasts menu in my iPod.




  1. This is right out of the "Help" section of iTunes:

    <<If you know the Internet address of a podcast, you can subscribe to it without using the iTunes Store. Choose Advanced > “Subscribe to Podcast” and then enter the URL. You can usually find the URL of a podcast on that podcast’s webpage.>>

    Though it would seem logical to be able to add a podcast not downloaded by iTunes, you're going to have to go through the advanced help section to figure it out, using the podcast you've already downloaded.

    -a guy named duh

  2. bac code post that

    regards x kitti x
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