
Poem, do you like?

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This is a sad poem written out of anger and sorrow. it's called

Tear it again.

Looking in the darkness, a deep black void, feeling

my heart being utterly destroyed. I watch the

fragments fly through the air; sitting in weary

silence, I find I don't care. This isn't the first

time it's been torn into bits, but I am guessing it's

the last time I can stand it. Living or dieing, it

doesn't matter any more. Soul torn asunder, I fall to

the floor. Peace engulfs me as finally I cry. Looking

to the heavens, I laugh as I die.

Copyright ©2008 Charlotte Ann McFarland




  1. thats so vivid. wow i actually liked it and i dont even like poetry

  2. Very sensitive and that can feel emancipation of souls.

  3. I love it! Especially the last part. "I laugh as I die." Something I would do. I think you should get it published or something, because a lot of people feel this way sometimes and it could really relate to them. ^^

  4. I really liked this poem, though I had to read it very carefully due to the structure of the line breaks. It has a rather good rhythm once you find it, but as the way it stands now you have to be careful else you lose the timing of it. The enjambments are just distracting. I have to ask: Why is this written in this manner? You obviously know a bit about poetry.

  5. kinda werid to me

  6. i love it!! so good! so real

  7. i dig the last two lines.

    otherwise it's alright.  heard it before, though.

  8. Yes, I like it.


  9. yesss. very good

  10. its great, the ending is my favourite, good twist
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