
Poem: Swinging Risqué - Do you like it?

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Swinging Risqué

by Victoria Tarrani

(© 99.10.10)

Into the bar, with beads a swinging,

tiny earrings softly ringing,

walked Risqué without a stitch

bottom begging with each twitch.

Eyes a popping 'mid rowdy words

she laughed at bulls within the herd.

One voice rang out above the rest,

“My dare, my Love, was all in jest.

Conceal from these, your lovely form,

come to the fire, I'll keep you warm!”

And so it thickens, this strange plot

as cries rang out, “Let's make it hot!”

The bulls yelled loud, “Oh let us see

if lust gives way to chivalry!”

The shining knight drew forth his sword

-- The tempered blade blessed in Old Fiord.

“Dare to touch my lovely lass

and you will lie beneath the grass!”

Risqué sauntered through the crowd

each step measured, demeanor proud.

Her knight would save her from this crew,

but even so she was a shrew

with secret weapons of her own.

A whispered word in monotone

would open quickly magic’s gate--

she could afford to ambulate.

A burly hand reached out to snare

this maiden dressed--oh so bare

then covered quickly her red lips.

This was a scenario outside her script.

Would the valiant knight save his strumpet

or would the bull make her his crumpet?

Knight slashed his way across the room

without a fear of his own doom.

Risqué crushed teeth into the palm

freeing her mouth as she stayed calm.

Knight wrapped his arm around her waist

and retreated in impressive haste.

Outside the tavern they could be seen

on daring steed, Knight and his queen.




  1. Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. very good, a Little different than your usual style, but I like it

    well except this lines

    "Her knight would save her from this crew,

    but even so she was a shrew......"


  3. Wow! Peckham will never be the same!

    Seriously, great fun, well written.

  4. Obviously Lady Godiva did it the wrong way - she should have walked into a bar instead.

    Hot pome.  

  5. A unique way to view a pickup in a bar. Lots of fun to read.

  6. woaw that is soo uncool i put in a reallly long answer but it has disapeared. lol i dont feel like writing another one so if you want my input just shoot me an e-mail

  7. Tori, this is beautiful, comparable to Henry Lawson and Banjo Paterson, only in history, not the Auzzie Bush!

  8. Sure these weren't bikers?

    I liked it.  It was a very fun read.  I would like to comment on the visual aspects of what you wrote but in some cultures it would result in me having my eyes put out.

    Seriously, a fun risque read.  Love the very fun way you used rhyming.

  9. I enjoyed had a bit of whimsy to it... ;)

  10. Risque it is.  I thoroughly enjoyed the poem - the story - the outcome.  A knight protects his queen.  

  11. Great read, enjoyed it immensely.Maybe I should be hitting the bars.

  12. That's a great yarn. Sure you aren't Bob Dillon?

  13. It's 3:45am and I really wish I had some brilliant comment; but I don't. I will say you kept me up an extra 15-20 minutes reading it more than once... kind of grows on ya!  In the beginning you scared me with the talk of bulls... I thought it was a revisit to George Orwell's Animal Farm; and I was really rooting for the crumpet outcome... but then you wouldn't have a fairytale ending.   I always thought of Knights and Princesses but when you need something to rhyme with "seen" the Princess gets dumped for the old hag.

    My favorite line “Oh let us see if lust gives way to chivalry!”

    I knew then we were on our way to a fairytale ending..

    and now for the rest of the story:

    Knight and Queen rode off they did

    they did not see the  fallen limb,

    the fallen limb tripped up the steed,

    the steed  rolled over, smoked a weed.

    ... it was a quickie ride

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