
Poem: another joined cinquain. Can you relate?

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Writer’s Insomnia

by Victoria Tarrani

(© 99.12.13)


nighttime visions

no rest for the writer

letters turning into phrases



word whippoorwills

imagination's bane

lost flow blocked by no connection

catch it


blurring moments

stop the finger movements,

stealing best selling manuscript

at dawn.




  1. Yes this is well written and very easily identifiable. i wrote a poem about cricket having gone to bed only to be inspired to write about it for some strange reason. i don't even like the game. LOL

  2. i definitely can relate :] I wouldn't really call myself a writer as I'm still in highschool but I aspire to be one and have written a few stories.

    but i know that my mind is always subconsciously searching for ideas for stories and most of these ideas come to me when i'm trying to get to sleep. i've planned most of my stories when i couldn't sleep. One idea, I even got up in the middle of the night and wrote my ideas down on a notebook so i wouldn't forget.

    A writers creative mind never ceases or takes breaks and this poem reflects that. I like.

  3. Very nice ending.

  4. Why is it that inspiration comes when sleep should?

    And sleep comes when we need inspiration?  It isn't fair.

  5. Sleep dear,

    Hypnos takes hands,

    black oblivion peace,

    night shade songs in your memory,


    Write friend,

    muses dancing,

    air breathing mystery.

    Hold the moment for soon, dear,

    night falls.

  6. Aren't Cinquains wonderful? They say so much in so few words. Very visual here.

    As for "no rest for the writer..." join the Club!

  7. This is excellent writing, and a beautiful poem.  The second stanza takes my breath away.  Those fleeting words that must be captured before they can be written down. They come into my mind at the oiddest times, but I do my real writing in the night. I love this. You make it seem easy to put these cinquains together.  You really have a gift.  Thank you.

  8. excellent job Tori, yes I can relate, I sometimes have hallucinations during my night time seizures, it can be quite perturbing

  9. I've never written Cinquains so I can't speak to the form. I do like this a lot though. I can relate to this kind of block. I love word whippoorwills--beautiful sound.

  10. Yes i can relate, I have many night time visions of the war I was in , Vietnam... Restless,Capture,and before that was so innocent...., good work again, waiting for the book!

  11. I'm not sure that "classic" is the right word for this style of cinquain, but it does fit one of three patterns normally accepted as a cinquain.  Although this particular pattern doesn't require the first and last words to be synonymous, the cinquain tends to have more impact when they are such.  Your other cinquains did a better job of it...although stanza two is well done.  Stanza one creates a good image, but stanza three seems a bit of a stretch.

    It's clear you have good command of the language and are adept at image creation...just don't become a slave to form to the point of losing the intensity of your focus.

    ...and keep writing

  12. You write beautifully. You have purpose for each word.and end up saying much with little. What I write starts with a single thought, then words and phrases seemingly drop from the sky. I sit for hours piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. I usually have to search everywhere because something is not quite right as I near the end. I rush to post it only to find I missed something simple because I was so tired; but then I am late in years, if I were younger I suspect the struggle would be easier but then again I would not be so inspired.

  13. "Hi!",

    I am so with you on that! I rarely get sleep now, staying up to long on yahoo writting poems and not sleeping. Last night was the fist time I went to sleep earlie in the past 3 months. I normally lay with the girls and put them to sleep but, somewhere along the line they put me too sleep with them.

    Great poem once again.

    Cheers : )

  14. This is so painfully familiar. I think it's more than the form that creates the chunky rhythm. I think that's the way the mind works when in this situation. I know that mine does. I know this perfectly. It is now 5:28am.

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