
Poem i wrote in an hour of sadness, please read and comment, it's appreciated

by  |  earlier

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Sadness creeps on us;

Through the holes in our heart,

Like some owner of servitude,

Or stagnant filled art.

Slaves of emotion,

Whipped soot that ever bleeds,

The kind of Misgivings,

Prisoners would need.

Sadness fills pages,

Within the book of our might,

Like a dying parent who whispers,

Son, everything’s alright.

Sadness finds victims,

Like robbers would do.

The money has gone missing,

I’m so sad, thinking of you.




  1. this poem is like wayyy to depressing it like made me wanna rub glass in my eyes.

  2. i like it :D

  3. I really like it-your rhyme scheme was really good.  You had me at the end of the 2nd line.

  4. I am not into poetry, but I am better from having read your work.  Well done.

  5. It's emo

    it's a good poem

    Suicide is painless

  6. Hey John, I just commented on this on another link. Did you add something to it and maybe submitted it twice or something? Check it out and also read my comment!!

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