
Poem ideas?

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i wanna write one but i need help thinking




  1. The poet must, firstly, find their muse (inspiration). A battery of poems could be derived off from your muse; a woman (girlfriend), a place of sanctuary, etc. Find your muse and all doors will open and ead you towards the way of the poet.

    Do what Jim Morrison did. Read, read, read. Then write, then create your own style.

    Write about anything and everything that amuses you; the true poet invokes his muse from any place in space or time.

  2. In my creative writing class our kick starts were:

    Cut words out of a magazine (my favorite)

    Random words from a dictionary

    Words from emails

    I found it really helped me to just have these random words. It's better then starting from nothing :)

  3. What did you do today?

    Who is the person you admire most in life?

    What event has caused you great happiness?  or sorrow?

    Do you have a dream?

    Once you settle on a theme, and my questions should help you get an idea, then express your thoughts in a poetic way, that is, compare your thoughts to something else, something in nature, perhaps, and use flowery, exciting, precise, or unusual language.

  4. Think about what you want to write on ( topic )

    It can be one topic or few

    For example

    The forest

    write down things that occur in a forest

    what is in the forest

    The forest

    There are trees

    with leaves that are green

    A person who works in the forest

    is a forest ranger.

    Each year the trees and grass

    are perished because of fires

    This destroys nature

    This is an example about  a poem of the forest

    You may have your own ideas

    Just remember when you write a poem

    It can or doesn't have to rhyme

    Also do you want your poem to tell a story


    It needs to come from the heart if its one of those eulogies


  5. Try this site:

    A bunch of ideas here. A book version is soon coming out, so not all 100 writing exercises are listed on this, but it's a good start. And they're fun and most original. There's nothing else like them.

  6. Don't write a poem that means nothing, even if it turns out fantastic, it still means nothing, who wants to write about things like rain and my trip to the super market!

    Forget about writing one, sit and watch tv, read, anything, fiction, or a newspaper, listen to some music, watch a film, have a conversation, look at some art online on places like deviant art... you'll soon find something that ignites your interest and gives you ideas.
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