
Poem on a math test!!!!! plzzzzzzz help?

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i ve got to write a poem of 12 lines on math test (junior level) but i don't knw poetry at all and its really very very urgent. So plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me




  1. The math teacher is requiring a poem -- that's very odd since poetry falls under the purview of English.

    The easiest way to write a poem is using an acrostic.  This is free form verse -- almost a step by step how to write what you want to say.  When I'm not having a good time writing, I'll go to an acrostic.  Also, I'll write them in tribute to someone I care about.

    You want math.... you can choose any aspects of math and put it in an acrostic form ... it is easy -- no rules except the first letter of each line is started with the letters in your title.

    This is just a sample -- you can write a much better poem!

    I'm a math major, for example:  See how simple that is,

    I'm a Math Major   = 12 letters; the down column.

    by Tori ((c) 0806.30)

    I want to fly to the

    moon and then find my way to

    Mars.  I must know math,

    and not just the easy stuff.

    MMVIII, technology

    averages change every

    time I look for a PC.

    How am I supposed to know

    metrics, binary, hexadecimal,

    ASCII, word, double word. etc.,

    just to program my way

    onto the space shuttle?

    Roebling, I need your help.

    *** John Augustus Roebling (roblin),  1806-69; U.S. civil engineer & bridge designer, born in Germany -- figured one of the best designers and engineers could help with your math problems.

    Good luck and have fun with it.  If your teacher gives you specific words that much be in your poem -- you can work them in.  This truly is the simplest type of poem.

    You see you can break them anyplace you want -- they don't have to follow the title of your poem, but the title of your poem must have all the letters in the first column (or beginning letter) for the words that make up the line.

    MMVIII = 2008 in Roman Numerals.


  2. BASTA

    A dozen reasons I can think of

    Why life is better without love:

    One looks silly. One wearies of it.

    It works, and then she says, "Go shove it."

    It's expensive to buy gifts to keep on proving

    That one has, in fact, not ceased loving.

    One needs a car, but it breaks down.

    There's no place or time or others are around.

    The other one gets fat or ugly.

    One no longer feels all sweet and snuggly.

    It ends. One cries. It's unrequited.

    One is loved by one one has not invited.

  3. My teacher is despotic (s)he wants poetry quadratic.

    I don't understend the subtrahend

    I've no magic potion to concoct the final quotient

    I can't find any use for an angle or hypotenuse

    I can't feel any dumber, oh what's Avogadro's number?

    Euler, Venn or Fibonacci? Might as well play Mariachi  

    They all have an equation, whether Chinese or Malaysian.

    I don't know any algebra, two cones look like my girlfriend's bra.

    Of geometry plain or solid, they seem to me so squalid.

    They tell me two plus two is four, and  three plus four is seven

    But can anybody tell me please why don't one and one make eleven?

    I counted all the lines I wrote and I even asked my cousin who said all the lines I wrote plus this, won't make a baker's dozen.

    Don't stop me now, I'm on a roll.

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