
Poem that someone wrote....?

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Alright, well I found a poem on here that I think I liked and I was going to copy it to a word page so I copyed and then forgot to paste before I copyed something else and now I can't find the poem anywheree :l All I remember is that the title of the poem may have contained the word "phantom" I realize that doesn't help much, but if anyone knows o_o I'd appreciate it..




  1. I am delighted that you brought this poem up.  I had not read it, so I thank Buzbe for the entire poem.

    It is masterful!


  2. Is this what you're looking for??

    chouette... Member since:

    May 11, 2008

    What do you think of this poem??

    Phantom's Dance

    If a picture paints a thousand words,

    Reality screams a million,

    And if I've cried a thousand tears,

    I'll probably cry a billion.

    The sweet caress of ghostly thoughts,

    Dance through poisoned minds,

    Drifting back into the past,

    As time slowly rewinds.

    Soft melodies now fill the air,

    Your heart begins to dance,

    Upon the memories of your life,

    Lost to luck and chance.

    All you touched but did not want,

    All you had but killed,

    All you tore down brick by brick,

    And all that you did build.

    In every crevasse of your head,

    Life is surely hiding,

    It is a dance you've come to loath, yet love,

    It's so dividing.

    Deep in death I've come to see,

    It all meant so much more,

    I took for granted everything,

    I ever did adore.

  3. Sounds like Phantom Dance, thats the only one that popped into my mind

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