
Poemmmm of love... I know it sounds boring but it's not that long.?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I have to write a love poem, but I suck at writing poems! They all sound really cheesy, but here is my lame attempt!

Please give me hints :(


One look grabbed my attention,

had me dazzled.

Ripples of connection,

caught me in a trance.

A dark cloud drifted.

Across the sky

a glint in the distance,

like gold.

Between us,

sparks fly through

heated rage,

ruthless with my heart.

If I get too close

tears will stream

my buckets full of sorrow

will lessen your burn.

Flushes of red,

replaced the shivers.

The shine turned matte,

slowly taking me over.

A sudden realization

my senses escaped your grasp.

Your passion burnt to





  1. Hey, now, that's really not bad at all. And it isn't cheesy. I thought I was in for a roses are red kind of thing. If your others sound anything like this one you're doing okay. I will say that, somehow, ripples of connection doesn't read quite right to me, but it isn't awful either.

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