
Poem(not about me) What do you think???

by  |  earlier

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I sit here.

I know my guilt.

I know I'm wrong.

I know that this chair could tilt,

Leaving me on my face.

I know what they felt.

I know what you feel.

I know that I sit here.

I know I probably won't leave.

This isn't just one of my famous peevs.

I shouldn't have said it.

I shouldn't have put my heart on my sleeve.

I shouldn't have did it.

I shouldn't have told you.

Now you haunt my every step.

My every thought.

My every breath.

You don't know where I am.

You don't know why I did it.

But now I sit here.

And my guilt is rising.

And I've told you that I know.


Now I sit here.

Feeling what you said I would:


And tears streaming down my face.

And knowing if I saw you, you would know my case.


This isn't about me if you're wondering. It was totally random and spontaneous poetry.

Critics please?




  1. sounds like someone on the electric chair.....

  2. its super good but the line that says i shouldn't have did it should be i shouldn't havedone it! =]

  3. I would change nothing (except the grammar mentioned above).

    There's something mysteriously alluring about this free-hand poetry....I have seen very few good poems of this kind. Yours is one of them!

    Good job!

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