

by Guest61226  |  earlier

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ok one of my friends died in the yr 2000... so in 2010 i want to make a memorial they do in the paper.. i hope you all know what im talking about... but im not sure what to put.. i know i want to put a picture but dont know what to say.. everyone i see that put memorials in the paper have cute poems and things that look like someone really smart made them up.. does anyone know what i could do since in not to good about writeing poems about this because it makes me sad...





  1. have a friend help you write it that is a good writer. You express your feelings and they turn it into poetry. I have friends that do that with me, because I can normally think of soemthing to write pretty quickly. :)

    Good luck and I'm sorry for your loss

  2. I'm sorry for your lost.

    I know my advice is going to sound corny but i hope it helps. Basically write what they have accomplished and most of all the impact that they had. This can be anything how they impacted your life, interview other people to find out what your friend did to change people's lives even it's just a small thing like making them stop biting their nails. Remember it's not about quantity or how many beautiful poems you have because if they don't mean anything and it's fake then it's nothing. But if you write real feelings and from your heart about your friend then perhaps that's the perfect memorial.

    Best of Luck write with your heart not the pen,

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