
Poetic you ever have this problem?

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Magnificent weed.

Growing midst my Nasturtiums.

Are you invasive?




  1. Ah, a rose by any other name is still a it possible to "weed" a rose garden without ending up with an empty garden?  So "yes"'s all a matter of perspective.

  2. Yes...the monsoon has started here too......we even have a large, ugly mushroom growing alongside the mosquito breeding weeds that seem to have come from nowhere.  They are quite invasive for certain, and make our garden look shabby.

  3. For me, it's vinca and grass invading my garden beds.  I can hardly keep up. My opinion is that if it's not wanted there then it is a weed and it is invasive.  Sweet little poem...I feel like it was written for me since my two main loves are poetry and gardening.

    I actually like creeping charlie as it keeps out all the other invasives that I can't stand.  Since it is so low growing, it makes a wonderful ground cover.

  4. AAAHHH! The charlie creeps into all of my beds, choking my petunias and peas. It's a daily battle between me and charlie, and just when I think I have won....there comes charlie creeping from a completely different direction! DRAT!

  5. A weed is but a flower is some part of the world.  Wild mustard started as seeds brought from another country.  Glad the rain came.

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