
Poetry Tweeking and revison needed, could you please help?

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Battle of the Soul

Two wolves forage within your soul,

Endeavoring ‘til destiny tolls.

Driven in a voracious fight,

Spirits actions reflect their plight.

Malice is the name of this one great brute;

its paws calloused in Wrath’s tough pursuit.

Drooling roar, Glutton fangs devours in vain.

Indolence reeks of foul putrid stains.

The puffed coat of Pride it lives to feed,

Filthy, conniving, it hoards in amass Greed.

Mindless indulgence howls fast with Lust.

Envy plagues its view, just brings great disgust.

Benevolence, the second beast

Crowned with Humility, feasts

On Patience, Chastity, love’s

true freedom – sees Kindness above

acts of self, guides Prudence with grace,

a wealth of Diligence and Faith.

Who wins to be the Lord and Host?

One you delight to feed the most.

Aaron Combs




  1. That's amazing. I couldn't write that!

    I think it's fine as is BTW

  2. that is ruddy marvoluous! great poem. keep it the way it is.

  3. Wow, deep...

    You don't have to listen to me I'm a kid....

    Please don't be offended:

    Two wolves forage within your soul,

    Endeavoring ‘til destiny tolls.

    Driven in a desperate (voracious doesn't sound so good, sorry) fight,

    Spirits actions reflect their plight.

    Malice is the name of this certain brute;

    its paws calloused in Wrath’s tough pursuit.

    Glutton fangs devour in vain (it was too long, sorry)

    Indolence reeks of foul, putrid stains.

    The puffed coat of Pride it lives to feed,

    Filthy, conniving, it hoards in Greed.

    Mindless indulgence howls fast with Lust.

    Envy plagues its view, and it's prone to disgust.

    Benevolence, the second beast

    Crowned with Humility feasts

    On Patience, Chastity, love--

    sees Kindness above

    acts of selflessness, guiding Prudence with grace,

    a wealth of Diligence and a wealth of Faith.

    Who wins to be the Lord and Host?

    The one you delight to feed the most.

    It's very deep and meaningful. Keep writing! (and I mean it) (and I meant that too)

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