Question: scam...?

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okay so i know its a scam or whatever,

but anyone else out there who has submitted a poem...

if you dont pay for the book but a friend who got theres accepted into the same book pays for her own will hers go in and not mine?

also if you get in the mail like weeks maybe a month or so after ur poetry submission you get editors choice has everyone gotten that also. i havent asked my friend, i got it like last week. editors choice for june. i no the book thing is a scam but its a good idea. if u get editors choice do you think that they may have read it or everyone else get it.? haha. jw. :p




  1. My mom got her's published in a book and got the book for free and so did i maybe it went wrong with you but we didnt have to pay a cent.

  2. Its a scam.  I've got all of those editors choice, poet of the year entry thing in vegas.  Its a total scam, I wish I never submitted my poem to these idiots.  I think anything with a free Ipod contest is a scam to begin with.  Keep writing!

  3. Yes, it IS a scam.  Please don't believe otherwise.  This site is in existence for one thing and that is to make money.  They tell EVERYONE their poetry is wonderful and the truth is, a lot of it is absolutely horrendous!  They will tell you how great you are and really appeal to your ego.  They know how this game is played and they play it well.  Then, they ask for money and for you to buy an anthology with your poem in it.  I don't care what the other poster said (that her mother was in and they didn't ask for money). These types of scam artists have been around for years in one form or another, long before you - or the Internet - were born!  Check out all the negative reports on the Web pertaining to, they publish anthologies full of dreadful writing, attach an ISBN number, etc., thus they deliver what they say the will.  But ask yourself this.  Is what they deliver worth a dime?)  Do you really believe this group is merely in business to publish the poetry of rank amateurs, and that there is nothing in it for them ( Do you really believe hundreds of thousands of people all across the nation are buying these anthologies that are full of a bunch of poetry by the aforementioned rank amateurs? Of course not!  These people are in business to take advantage of the unsuspecting.  Please do NOT get involved with them.  In addition, poetry is not a hot commodity today.  In fact, it's cold as ice. Ask yourself this next question: Would I pay a fair amount of hard-earned money for a compilation of poems (most of which can not even qualify as poetry) by amateur writers, and then sit around and spend endless hours reading the thousands of poems that appear in the pages of these anthologies?  The answer should be clear to you. These people are scam artists in the truest sense of the word.  They prey on your vanity and your pocketbook. Again, they may deliver an anthology but do you personally know anyone who has received actual money from these people?  Sure, they list names of monthly winners and all that on their website, but do YOU know anyone personally?  Anyone who has actually been awarded the money they promise? A friend, a fellow student, anyone at your church? By the way, there is no future in poetry. Basically, you write it for your own amusement and as practice.  No one publishes it, except for the garbage on-line sites that are all self-publish or vanity publishing.  The key word here is "vanity."
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