
Poetry please?

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ive really gotten into writing and reading poetry. i like really sad poetry that talks about like being emo and cutting and stuff like that. if you dont mind me asking, i would like to hear some of your poetry if you write this type of poetry. links to poetry sites would also be helpful.

thanks so much,





  1. Don't go down that path.  For goodness sake, child (I can speak like this at the age of 64) - just stop looking inward and instead celebrate being young, gifted and ....whatever.

    Get some joy and excitement going in your life......I can tell you with great sincerity that old age comes like an express train.  Don't waste your youth on negative things.

  2. As a studied poet, I would like to take this time to say that this is TERRIBLE poetry and recommend that you read something good instead. Dark poets aren't all suicidal- check out Poe. If you like "dark" poetry, you can find dark elements in the works of just about every good poet without the poorly crafted stuff that most of your teenaged friends write.
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