
Poets, If your life were a song - what would the title be?

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Poets, If your life were a song - what would the title be?




  1. "Send In The Clowns'....but, never the same one twice!

  2. Take Me To The River.....

  3. Writing my life the way I want it.

  4. Born to be Wild   (wishful)

    Bad to the Bone  (funny)

    Blowin in the wind (most likely)

  5. "Always a bridesmaid; never a bride."

  6. What good is sitting alone in your room?

    Come hear the music play.

    Life is a Cabaret, old chum,

    Come to the Cabaret.

    Start by admitting

    From cradle to tomb

    It isn't that long a stay.

    Life is a Cabaret, old chum,

    Come to the Cabaret

  7. The Little Drummer Boy.

    come, they told me

    pa rum-pum-pum pum....



    I played my drum for him

    Pa rum pum pum

    I played my best for him

    Pa rum pum pum pum

  8. Hear My Train A Comin'

    Jimi Hendrix

  9. Play it again Sam, Oh no, that was, "As Time Goes By"

  10. roflmao, it would be Oh My GOD! ...

  11. Hysteria! lol


  12. Dazed and Confused...wait, Jimmy Page already did that...

  13. "Morning Has Broken," (and I have been up for 3 hours) sung by (the former) Cat Stevens.

  14. Carcinogen Love

  15. Just a Dreamer

  16. ...scratch that....

    "Harper Valley PTA"

    is more fitting, lol

  17. Fly me to Dunoon.

  18. Accepting Me the way I am

  19. "The Scalded Cat"  (It's a bagpipe piece--ANY bagpipe piece--executed by a beginner).

  20. Access Denied

  21. when your good to mama....

  22. Forever in Blue Jeans- Niel Diamond.

  23. "Unread by millions"

  24. "Here comes the Sun"

  25. Billy Joel's "You may be right (I may be crazy)"

    or Billy Thorp's "Most People I know think that I'm, crazy"

    (only because Elyslund pinched my first choice) :-P*** lol

  26. "Don't Rain on my Parade".

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