
Poets ! Can you give me hand writing a poem ?

by Guest65665  |  earlier

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When it comes to poetry, I can hardly rhyme “June”, “moon”, and “spoon” . Are there any poets out there who can write a poem titled “Seven Sweet Kids and Their Lying, Stuck -- up Older Sister” ? The older sister’s name is “Daffney” . Her brothers are Geoffrey, Griffin, Rafferty, and Taffy . Her sisters are Tiffany, McCaffrey, and Steffany . I’ll admit some of these names are misspelled . These are all imaginary characters, so NOBODY’S feelings are going to be hurt by this poem . This is NOT a homework assignment . I graduated high school years ago, so I’m DONE with all that ! Thank you in advance for your responses .




  1. Have you bought a rhyming dictionary? It would save you a helluva lot of time in composing poems.

  2. "seven sweet kids and the lying stuck up old sisters"

    seven sweet kids one was geoffrey

    its complicated but he really did left me

    here all olone with with tiffany and stefany even mccaffrey

    let me me exsplain you see my name is daffmy

    im the oldest of all of these twirps

    but i think that there lying

    when they say im stuck up mean and deyning

    so my youngest is griffen

    whos sweet as a mitten but

    tiffanys mean too who  him so

    just whanted to tell you just so you know!!

    theres alsom the middle you hates my sister mcafrey

    he dosent like me much but anyway his name is rafferty

    and the closets to me is my ugle bro taffy

    when ever i look at him i burts out laughing

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