
Poets clique this please?

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My earlier post was this one :;_ylt=Au1Zs6udeSiYHlueiby6xoDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080717174516AAWC4wx

Computer's Lie of eye

Much information

a small device

The ligh beckons me

Drawn, hypnotize,addicted

This Machine a best friend

A comforter, release of burden

Click of a switch,push of a button

Engulfed by its intrigue

Friend turned enemy

Time plus attention

Weighed down neglected work

The nagging pulling need

My energy surrendering

To this controling force

Something screems out

Light dims into nothingness

I am hoping this is better please be honest and tell me what you think ! Compare the two of them and how can I make it better? Thanks so much!!!




  1. Thanks for your poem.

  2. A different version of yours to give you something to compare to.  You have an original idea about the friend turning and becoming consuming, eventually sapping your energy and sucking you into its world.  

    Computer's Lie of eye

    Info, much...

    a small device

    The light beckons

    draws me in...hynotizes

    now addicted!

    A best friend, comforter

    Click of a switch,

    a push of a button...

    engulfed by its intrigue


    Friend turning... enemy

    wants time, attention

    Weighing me down

    neglecting work...

    A nagging pulling need

    my energy sagging

    to this controlling force

    something screams out

    Light dims into...


  3. I love it. Bloody brilliant! So evocative and the imagery? Wow! Wonderful work...thank you for sharing!

  4. I like Neonman's take. It's like Elaine said on your other question: Keep asking yourself how can I convey more with fewer words. This has potential--just needs some more paring likely. Here's another example of an approach:

    Computer's Lie of eye

    Information in

    a small device

    Light beckons

    Drawn, hypnotized,addicted

    My best friend

    comforter, release of burden

    at the Click of a switch, push of a button

    Engulfed by its intrigue

    Friend turned enemy

    Time plus attention

    Weighed down neglected work

    The nagging pulling need

    Energy surrendering

    To this control

    Screams out

    Light dims into nothingness

    I really like light dims into nothingness. I also like some of the interesting connections you make here. All I did was strip a little off--there is more that can be compressed. Like the click push line, do the two ideas convey something different to you? If they do bring them out more. If they don't cut one of them.

    That is my advice. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Like I said, it has good potential.

  5. Some valid suggestions have already been made. Keep trying, I still like the idea. Instead of telling us what is happening, try to paint in the action with some imagery.

  6. It's really hard for me to like a poem who's author used "clique" instead of "click".  

    It's actually pretty original, I thought I'd be cliche like everything else on this sight.  I commend you.

    However, computers = love.

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