
Pointe tips? and some ballet tips too?

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i will be going on pointe in november and i want some tips on pointe for when i do go on.i have benn in ballet for about 5 years.




  1. really go on your box. let your let break your shoes in don't smash them! dont think about pain if there is any. always try to balance more on your big toe rather then leaning on your pinky toe. Always poitne your feet. when balancign press down into the ground while lifting your upper body up. keep your shoulders over your hips and keep our hips leveled.

    spot hard during turns. relax! have fun. enjoy beign a ballerina !

  2. first of,congratulations!!! i hope you have fun as much as i do!

    well here are some good tips: -don't use Gaynor pointe shoes or the soft toe ones for beginning,it may be easy to use,but once you switch to the normal ones that you still have to break,you might find it hard.

    -do exercises that strengthen your ankles(releves, jumps,etc.) to make it easier to go up on pointe

    -practice more on pointe shoes since it's harder to learn steps than on ballet shoes

    -make sure your ribbons are stitched securely on your pointe shoes

    well that's all . . . :) again good luck and congratulations!

  3. take care of your feet and make sure that if your feet feel weird in the shoes go to your teacher,don't ignore the problem or it might get worse.take care of your pointe shoes too,don't let other young girls who are anxious to go on pointe try them on,don't let ANYONE wear them except for you.and just HAVE FUN!!

  4. Explore this website. I found it a couple months ago and it's really amazing what this lady knows. I really want to meet her, but she lives on the other side of the world so obviously that's not possible. I hope this helps! It helped me!

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