
Points,levels...OK I get it. But how did this happen??? PLZ HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so now I know what points and levels do [on this website] but when I went to see how many points I have it was 120! It used to be 140 points! How did that happen? is still level 1





  1. you most likely asked a question. questions are minus 5 points

  2. Asking questions costs you 5 points per question.  You must have asked 4 questions.

  3. Scott L

    How many questions did you ask?

    they are 5 pts each.

    this means if you asked 4 questions at 5 points each

    that is 20 pts.

    This is one possibility

    Another one could be a violation against the community guidelines

    You can check your emails if its a notice from Yahoo Answers

    saying Notice of violation

    it will say  10 points deducted from your score

    10 x 2 = 20 pts

    You can also check by going to my profile

    scroll down then go to activity details

    click that it should tell you if there was a violation


    you need to answer questions 2 pts

    get picked as having the best answer 10 pts

    pick the person who answered your question best 3 pts

    vote undecided questions also picking best answer 1 pts.

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