
Points?????? dont get it plz help!!!?

by Guest56182  |  earlier

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points? what do u do with points from ansering questions? dont get it. please tell me honestly what u know and dont know and some advice i need to know. ive used ansers before but never got the whole point thing




  1. as long as you can earn points for something people are going to be competitive about who can get the most. this is just yahoo's way of trying to get ppl more involved in answering other ppls questions. offering an incentive for you to share your knowledge.

  2. well i dont rly care bout the points. i just like answering and helping put ppl. its fun and makes me feel good.?!?>?!>?!

  3. The points system on Yahoo! Answers is a tiered system to recognize members who contribute the most to the website.

    You lose 5 points for asking a question

    You earn 3 points if you choose a "best answer" to a question you asked

    You earn 2 points for answering a question

    You earn 10 points if your answer is chosen as the best

    You earn 1 point for each "thumbs up"

    You lost 1 point for each "thumbs down"

    You earn 1 point each time to vote for a best answer

    The more you participate, the more points you earn, and thus, the higher your level, which means you have more options, such as giving answers the thumbs up or down, answering more questions, and asking more questions.

  4. when you get a lot of points you get to go up to the next level  

  5. The more points you have the more things you are able too do. Starting out you are limited to asking a certain amount of questions each day, and answering a certain amount of questions per day. Once you reach a certain number you move up a level, then you are allowed to answer and ask more questions each day! So the more points you have the more you can do. It is also fun to see your points grow and what percent of your questions are best answers.. etc. There isn't that much else too it, so good luck with your answering and asking, haha. Hope I could help!

  6. Points are used for asking questions

    You get points from answering questions

  7. I think that points are definitely a way that the more experienced professional's who with their wisdom express their lives with on hand reality's not  to undermine the other opinions from knowledgeable yahooer's. The point system is really simple.

  8. points make you gain levels. Higher levels give you more recognition. More recognition gives you a sense of self accomplishment. A sense of accomplishment ultimately makes you feel better about yourself. Its all just good fun

  9. I wish I knew that too!! I just go around and answer to ppls questions, b/c I dont have better things to do at the moment. :/

  10. You use them to ask questions and show off being on higher levels. It's like a game kinda.

  11. I really have no idea.  I have some 1 hundred but have never known.

  12. the more you have the higher your level

  13. They determine how long you get to stay on Answers and they determine a rank. In my opinion, it's pointless. (No pun intended.)

  14. just keep them it gets u to the next level answer mine?;...


    this is the page if you link YOUR points --- it breaks it down - you can't use them in real life -  

  16. iy boosts your reliability i guess. So, if you have a lot of best answers that means a lot of people trust your opinion and are more likely to choose you as a best answer. So i guess the more points you have, the more reliable you are and more likely you'll get a best answer. haha. lol

    So, if someone chooses you as best answer you get 10 points otherwise you'll just get 2 points for answering the question. the higher level you get in the more benefits you have like, being able to answer and ask questions per day, and put a thimbs up or down on answerers answers.

  17. plz i need ponts but i do not get it ether

  18. it just gives u something to look forward to wen u answer questions...the more point the higher level...and the more points the more questions u can ask and questions u can answer a day


  20. the more points you get the higher the levels and every time you reach a new level the more features you unlock other than that i dont know

  21. this should explain everything:

  22. You use em to ask questions and to advance in levels. It basically just gives you a sense of accomplishment.

  23. you get points !

  24. those r nerd point so they can show off to other people look how many points i have

  25. As far as I know, they have no actual value except that they give you a new rank every so often.  Whoopee, huh?

  26. u use them to ask more questions and to advance to the next level

  27. More points let you ask, answer, and rate more questions

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