
Poison for a Raccoon? I'm SICK of hearing "That's Not Humane"....?

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From all of the desensitized, whiney little do-gooders, it's insane. Here is my issue:

This Raccoon is TERRORIZING my 3 year old little girl, and I have had enough. I live in a very rural area that does not offer animal control, especially for Raccoons.

I do not own a gun, nor will I shoot this animal because of my neighbors.

DO NOT give me your Lefty, Whining B/S about how in-humane it is. You're not the one that has to watch your little 3 year old cry, and tremble every night because she can "hear the coon coons" and she afraid that it's coming to hurt her.

Bottom line: Are there any real men or women out there, with thick skin, that have killed a raccoon with poision successfully? If so - How? And Thank you.




  1. Jesus christ its hard to find information on how to kill animal nuisances with poison. Everyone is so concerned about killing them humanely. Apparently its humane to let a possibly rabid raccoon roam your property so it can bite and kill you or your kids and pets. The only thing I found was a story about a guy who had killed(illegally) many animals, including birds and raccoons by treating corn with harsh pesticides which killed them. If thats something you're willing to do, it should work, although it could be tricky making sure you only kill your nuisance but your frustration is completely understandable and justified.

  2. The most humane way to dispatch the animal is with a head shot . The result is a quick clean kill.

  3. Hm. Poison. And when he keels over in your yard, are you going to be brave enough to collect the possibly rabid remains and dispose of them properly?

    I hate to say this, but dealing with critters of the night without animal control is (by and large) the price you pay when you live in a rural area.

    My suggestion is to trap it, take it far, far away and then release it. Like another responder stated, killing the animal because he's doing what nature tells him to do is probably not the message you want to send to your three year old. She'll grow up thinking that she can just eliminate any and everything in the world that is not pleasing to her. Life is not like that. Explain to her that she and the raccoon are currently sharing this little piece of the universe right now. He doesn't want to hurt her, nor is he coming around her house on purpose.

    Good luck!

  4. thats almost funny ,who is whining????

    Very boring and traditional ,if you don`t like it kill it.

    maybe you should take your kid to the zoo and teach her about animals .show her that coons are not dangerous ,but cute.

    if she hates a thunderstorm ,are you gonna poison that as well.

    and what eats the poisoned raccoon also gets killed .maybe somebodies prize doberman.

    buy a cage trap and let it go in the woods .or is that too humane .

    My dad used to pee on all the fence posts ,thus kept most animals away,

    And don`t have any junk or food lying about .that breeds things like the bugs that raccoons like to eat.

    poison is not exactly brave.Not something real men would do

  5. It's hard to image how such a cute and generally well liked creature could be terrorising your child. Maybe this would be a good time for you to teach your child to not be so afraid of things that are different from them.

    But if you're set on keeping them away, you could always cover your garbage better. Did you think about that? I'm pretty sure it's illegal to kill raccoons- if it isn't it should be and I would hope (if you do manage to kill one) that someone would take it upon them self to report you.

  6. rat poison should do it.

  7. Donot keep any trash around.

  8. Maybe this is a mental exercise you are not inclined to do but I encourage you to take the time to imagine what it would be like to be a raccoon and further more to be killed by ingesting poison.

    In the pro-life movement there is a saying, it is easy to be "pro-choice" if you are not the ones being killed.

    One of the hardest things in life is to get out oneself long enough to have empathy outside our own self interests. This is where real spiritual growth takes place and our journey down mystical path really begins, where we realize everything is truly interconnected.

    Maybe this is more effort than you are willing to expend at the moment yet it would be much more compassionate to live trap and relocate if this raccoon than to painfully end its life with the convenience of poison.

    In any case I wish you peace and blessings as we are all on the same path. I'm a spiritual optimist, we'll all get to where we are going..... some day or life.

  9. If I were you I'd just keep an eye on my kids and make sure they're not in any danger. You may be able to get this one raccoon relocated but who's to say another animal won't come along to scare your daughter? I just don't understand how a raccoon could be TERRORIZING your daughter... there's no way I'd even let my kid be in a position where they'd be exposed to wild animals in the first place.

    I would call the council or a local animal charity (RSPCA?) to go and relocate it. The only reason being, you're inexperienced so could do a lot more harm than good if you try and kill it. Putting poison out will kill other animals... maybe even your neighbours pets or god forbid, kids. If you put traps out the same thing could happen and it's not even a definite answer to your problem because this particular raccoon may still get away.

  10. I'm a vet and also the mother of a 3 year old. I don't live in America so I haven't had experience with Raccoons but I've had a similar experience with foxes. I can see both sides of the arguement but I would always value my 3 yr old over anything that makes her upset. I'll give you advice but can't advocate any method over another.

    Firstly you need to rid your garden of all rubbish, Raccoons live on pretty much anything they can find, meat, veg, fruit, acorns, worms and other creepy crawlies. Do you have a big dog? If not borrow a neighbours one as the smell and droppings of a larger predator will keep it at bay. Raccoons nest above ground in tree cavities, and attics or even chimneys so find the den. They're nocturnal so destroying the den at night could be your answer, any traps be they humane or otherwise can be set here. It could be that the Raccoon has young and they will move on in time as soon as the babies mature a bit.

    Also not meaning to cause alarm, but Raccoons carry rabies.

  11. bottom line the raccoon is there for 1 of 2 reasons food or shelter buy removing both it will move on.

    as an exterminator for 26 years I have removed my fair share of coons yes they could carry the rabies virus and if it does than it will die shortly of the disease, it can also carry the raccoon ring worm even more dangerous to people as the ring worm does not kill the raccoon but can have grave consequences for the human host.

    many poisons contain a chemical called BITEREX as the name implies it is bitter tasting mice have no sense of taste and will eat it ,it is there for dogs,cats and children that if they put it in there mouth the bitter taste will make them want to spit it out so it would be difficult to get a coon to eat enough of it to kill it the other problem is if it got a sub lethal dose and was laying around pets or children may come in contact with it and have dire consequences.

    best bet get a large live trap from Home Depot or see if your town may have one to lend out or contact a rental business and get one that way.Use seafood cat food as the lure to the trap,once caught relocate far from your home and be done with the varmint.

    Good repellents are white vinegar sprayed around were you see our hear it and oil of mustard-seed,I don't know how good a ultra sonic device would be against a raccoon

  12. You don't want to hear this but you don't have to kill the raccoon. There are other ways to deal with it. Try cleaning the garden up- make sure there is no rubbish laying around.

    We don't have raccoons in the UK but if a raccoon was a pest I would definately not kill it. Catch it and release it elsewhere?

    Whether you like it or not, poisons are a threat to you and your daughter's health, not to mention wildlife. Poison is not healthy or humane.

  13. The coon is hanging around for a reason. Do you have trash out? Maybe you can find that reason and remove it.

    I don't think teaching your little girl that it is ok to be terrified of a furry little creature and that poisoning it to death is ok. Something I wouldn't do, but that's me. I'm sure there is a better more humane way to get rid of  your "pest". Plus using poison can harm other animals or even your little girl.

    You could live trap the coon and take him far away. Problem solved. There are pest repellents that use sound waves (humans can not hear) that repels animals from your yard.

    Try these sites for other ideas and tips...

    Good luck!

  14. Call your local animal control and ask them to pick up the animal. They will capture it and move it to a new location away from you.

  15. Sick!

  16. leave out a ball of bread with rat poison in it.Your best option is to find someone with a gun to shoot it. Remember when you leave out poision other animals may eat it as well. The gun is the best option.

  17. buy a gun and shoot them

  18. Whether or not you consider the animal's welfare, it would be stupid to set out poison if you have young children.  Children are notorious for putting d**n near everything they find into their mouths.  You can not guarantee that whatever you put poison on will not be spread all over your yard by birds, insects, other animals, etc. which may eventually be handled by your child.

    But here's a thought, are you going to set out poison for the boogieman when she's afraid of him?  You can't kill everything your kid is going to be afraid of.  Your best option is to teach her what the sounds really are and to not be afraid.  A trip to a zoo where they have raccoons may help her see the animals in a friendly way.  The real problem isn't that there is a raccoon (obviously it doesn't bother anyone else in this manner), the problem seems to be that your child is afraid.  If you can get her over her fear, then your problem is solved.

    You can also make sure you don't have accessible trash around your house (use metal trash cans with lids, then put something heavy on the lids).  Check to make sure you don't have bird feeders, pet food, etc. around that would attract raccoons, and make sure your water hose doesn't drip (or that there is no other source of standing water for raccoons to drink from).

    Even if you kill this raccoon.  So what, another one will take its place.  You have to solve the problem at its root.

  19. Poison should work i just hope some dog or cat doesn't die in your yard as well.  Be careful and make sure your the one who finds the dead animal because i think thats illegal to kill an animal like that

  20. Don't use poison baits because other animals or even children may inadvertently eat them and die. Try calling local national parks and arrange for relocation of the animals. You child's crying is not a sufficient reason to kill another living creature. I know you don't want to hear it but... NO it's not very humane and it's wrong. You will kill other native animals and may even endanger your child's or pet's health and lives. Be a good dad and comfort your child when she's frightened, don't kill a poor innocent animal. Call wild life services to relocate the raccoon or clean up the trash that they are probably being attracted to.

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